Re: Can we use abstract class templating classes?

"Jim Langston" <>
Fri, 16 Mar 2007 16:37:14 -0700
"newbie" <> wrote in message

Say I have the following class:

class MyAbs {
 virtual ~MyAbs() {}
 virtual void foo() = 0;
 virtual void bar() {cout << "abs::bar"; }

class MyDer1: public MyAbs {
 MyDer1() {counter = 0; }
 foo() { cout << "der1::foo--" << counter++; }
 int counter;

class MyDer2: public MyAbs {
 MyDer1() {counter = 100; }
 foo() { cout << "der1::foo--" << counter--; }
 int counter;
Can I do something like this? Thanks

template <class Toy>
class MyTemplateClass{
 Toy toy_;
 Play() {; }

Your code shows classes MyAbs, MyDer1 and MyDer2, yet your template shows
Toy. I'm presuming in my response that by
Toy toy_;
Play() (; )

you actually meant
MyAbs toy_;
Play() {; }

No. Your template is attempting to instantize a class MyAbs which is a
virtual class. You couldn't do it in main so you couldn't do it in a
template. However, I believe you could do:

MyAbs* toy_ = new MyDer1;
Play() { toy_->foo(); }

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