Re: What's the different betteen pure virtual function and virtual function
In article
"Daniel T." <> wrote:
Jack <> wrote:
I meet a question with it ,
I did not get clear the different betteen them,
First, pure virtual:
class Base1 {
virtual void pure() = 0;
class Derived1 { }; // will not compile
class Derived2 {
void pure() { cout << "pure\n"; }
int main() {
Base1 b; // will not compile
Now virtual:
class Base1 {
virtual void vert();
class Derived1 { }; // will compile
int main() {
Base1 b; // will compile
That's the difference.
Well, I posted the above without much due diligence! Sorry about that...
class Base {
virtual void pure() = 0; // whether Base1::pure() is defined or not
class Derived1 : public /*or protected or private*/ Base1 { };
class Derived2 : public Base1 {
void pure() { }
int main() {
Base b; // will not compile
Derived1 d; // will not compile
Derived2 d2; // will compile
now virtual:
class Base {
virtual void virt() { }
class Derived1 : public /*or protected or private*/ Base1 { };
class Derived2 : public Base1 {
void virt() { }
int main() {
Base b; // will compile
Derived1 d; // will compile
Derived2 d2; // will compile