Re: Weird V-table issue

Joe Greer <>
Tue, 29 Jul 2008 12:34:21 +0000 (UTC)
<Xns9AEA57149D596jgreerdoubletakecom@> wrote in news:d1a75289-561f-4e38-8b31-

Thanks for all the replies. I do understand that the standard way of
doing things is to use virtual inheritance and dynamic casting.
However, I would like to clarify that I am working on an embedded
environment (and due to some other reasons which I do not want to
detail here), and I am restricted to using non-virtual inheritance and
no dynamic casting.

Further clarification on QueryInterface: I would like to define a
generic method which all the other interfaces inherit. All the
implementation objects implement the QueryInterface() method to return
the interfaces they they implement. In such a scenario, the out-
parameter of the QueryInterface has to be a void **. Is there any
better method of accomplishing what I am trying to do.

Thanks in advance,

I think the problem is that someone somewhere needs to know the layout
of the virtual tables in the actual class that you are using. That is
what dynamic_cast brings to the table. I suppose you can keep your own
table of pointers to the various interfaces and provide a means to
access it from every interface. Then you could avoid the use of
dynamic_cast. Maybe someone else will have a more clever idea for you
though. The following seems to work:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <map>

class IBase
{ public:
   virtual int QueryInterface(std::string const & key , void **ppOut) =
   typedef std::map<std::string, void *> InterfaceMap;

class INetworkA
   virtual int NA() = 0;
   virtual int QueryInterface(std::string const & key, void **ppOut) =

class INetworkB
   virtual int NB() = 0;
   virtual int QueryInterface(std::string const & key, void **ppOut) =

class Network : public IBase, private INetworkA, private INetworkB

    m_InterfaceMap.insert(std::make_pair("INetworkA", static_cast
<INetworkA *>(this)));
    m_InterfaceMap.insert(std::make_pair("INetworkB", static_cast
<INetworkB *>(this)));

   int F1() { printf("Network::F1()\n"); }

   int QueryInterface(std::string const & key, void **ppOut)
      int found = 0;
      InterfaceMap::iterator itFind = m_InterfaceMap.find(key);
      if (itFind != m_InterfaceMap.end()) {
         *ppOut = itFind->second;
         found = 1;
      return found;

   int NA() { printf("Network::NA()\n"); return 0;}
   int NB() { printf("Network::NB()\n"); return 0;}
   InterfaceMap m_InterfaceMap;

int main()
  Network *netObj = new Network();

  INetworkA * pINetA;
  INetworkB * pINetB;
  netObj->QueryInterface ("INetworkA", (void **) &pINetA);

  pINetA->QueryInterface ("INetworkB", (void **) &pINetB);

  INetworkA * pINetA2;

  pINetB->QueryInterface ("INetworkA", (void **) &pINetA2);

  return 0;

Obviously, you don't need to use a string as a key, and you can use any
sort of lookup structure you want. This is for illustrative purposes
only. :) In fact, if you have a small fixed number of interfaces, I
would consider an array of void * s as the InterfaceMap and an enum
value as the key. Such as:

enum Interfaces


class Network : public IBase, private INetworkA, private INetworkB
   void * m_InterfaceMap[InterfaceCount];
  Network() {
     m_InterfaceMap[INetworkA] = static_cast<INetworkA *>(this);
     m_InterfaceMap[INetworkB] = static_cast<INetworkB *>(this);
     // zero out any empty slots

  int QueryInterface(Interfaces i, void **ppOut) { *ppOut =
m_InterfaceMap[i]; return *ppOut != 0; }





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