Re: Interfaces, restricting access

=?UTF-8?B?RXJpayBXaWtzdHLDtm0=?= <>
Sun, 19 Oct 2008 08:41:11 GMT
On 2008-10-19 02:41, Christopher wrote:

I am surprised this hasn't come up for me more in the past, but the
situation is:

I need to have an interface that is usable for all
I need to have an interface that is only usable for some

I do not really know of a good way to achieve this. If I use friend
functions, I can no longer make methods virtual, right?

Not sure exactly what you mean by that, a friend function/class can call
a virtual function (as shown in this, somewhat contrived, example):

#include <iostream>

class PubInterface
  virtual void PubFunc() = 0;

class PrivInterface
  virtual void PrivFunc() = 0;
  friend void doIt(PubInterface&);

void doIt(PubInterface& i)

  PrivInterface* pi = dynamic_cast<PrivInterface*>(&i);
  if (pi != 0)

class Impl1 : public PubInterface
  void PubFunc()
    std::cout << "PubFunc()\n";

class Impl2 : public PubInterface, public PrivInterface
  void PrivFunc()
    std::cout << "PrivFunc()\n";

  void PubFunc()
    std::cout << "PubFunc()\n";

int main()
  Impl1 i1;
  Impl2 i2;


  return 0;

Erik Wikstr??m

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