Re: what is wrong with this code?
On 23 Jul., 08:02, terry wrote:
SG wrote:
I expect a good C++0x library implementation to use the "small
function optimization" in std::function so that there won't be heap
allocations for small function objects [2]. Still, the arguments are
forwarded *twice* within std::function which also includes a virtual
function call.
I agree completely, this is why I raised the question.
For virtual function calls where the pointer has to be resolved (to the
correct class and member function) before the binding can take place
there is a real advantage in allowing this binding to happen early and
providing a "pointer of class-agnostic type" you suggest.
Here's another thought: A compiler & library vendor could support this
"pointer of class-agnostic type" (delegate) internally and use it
inside std::bind as an optimization:
class A {
~A() {}
virtual foo() = 0;
class B : public A {
void foo();
void g() {
B b;
A* pa = &b;
auto f = std::bind(&A::foo,pa);
I think the specification of std::bind allows an implementation to use
a "delegate" type internally if the compiler supports it as extension.
So, a quality implementation with compiler support for delegates could
make the result of std::bind(&A::foo,pa) class-type-agnostic by using
this special delegate type. The will reduce code bloat and also allow
"early binding" (no virtual lookup needed when f is invoked).
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