Re: Covariant return types and interdependent classes

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Daniel_Kr=FCgler?= <>
Wed, 31 Aug 2011 14:50:34 -0700 (PDT)
On 2011-08-31 14:52, Javier wrote:

I'm having a problem trying to get two classes that refer to each
other take a covariant return type. While this is occurring in the
Visual C++ 2010 compiler (and I'm posting a modified version here of
my original post in the C++ forums at MS), I have a more general
question, namely if there is a way for a compiler to pass what would
be, in my opinion, valid code for covariant return types, or if I'm at
the mercy of the compiler vendor :-)

In base1.h:

struct base2; // fwd decl

struct base1 {
  virtual base2* getBase2() const = 0;

- - -

In base2.h:

struct base1; // fwd decl

struct base2 {
  virtual base1* getBase1() const = 0;


- - -

In derived1.h:

#include "base1.h"

// necessary for compiler to see inheritance relationship
// between base2 and derived2 and allow covariant return type.

#include "derived2.h"

struct derived1: public base1 {
 derived2* getBase2() const { ... }

- - -

In derived2.h:

#include "base2.h"

// necessary for compiler to see inheritance relationship
// between base1 and derived1 and allow covariant return type.
#include "derived1.h"

struct derived2: public base2 {
 derived1* getBase1() const { ... }


If I try to analyze, how the compiler looks at the effective code, I'm ending in the following:

struct base2; // fwd decl

struct base1 {
 virtual base2* getBase2() const = 0;

struct base1; // fwd decl

struct base2 {
 virtual base1* getBase1() const = 0;

struct derived2: public base2 {
derived1* getBase1() const;

struct derived1: public base1 {
derived2* getBase2() const;

In my opinion, this should be valid C++ code and in the case of the
compiler mentioned above, it fails to compile because of a
"technicality": to see the inheritance relationship one must include
derived2.h in derived1.h so it can see derived2 is-a base2, and
include the derived1.h in derived2.h so it can see derived1 is-a
base1, since a simple forward declaration for derived 2 and derived1
does not work. AS LONG AS I keep it simple and don't have
interdependent classes, covariant return types work as advertised.

Unfortunately this is not valid code, and this has nothing to do with "header file" technology. The reason for this to fail is specified by 10.3 p7+8 in the C++11 standard (or 10.3 p5 in the C++03 standard). They require that the return types must be complete, but in class derived2, the type derived1 is not complete yet. This problem has been raised for the C++11 standard by the national body comment

but was rejected (see comment in the link to the very right).

If this is valid C++ code, my question is if there is a compiler that
works with this code (perhaps EDG's), and if not, is it a problem in C+
+ itself in specifying something that may not be practically met
(albeit a counter argument would be that a multi-pass compiler should
be smart enough to detect the inheritance relationship :-)

It is invalid and it seems that this was the intention. The reason is mainly that existing implementations need to know the definition at that point. Personally I would still think that this is solvable, but that impose some requirements onto implementations to perform a look-ahead. I cannot tell you whether this would be acceptable for existing implementations or not.

HTH & Greetings from Bremen,

Daniel Kr?gler

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