Synchronised STL Iterators
I needed synchronised iterators on STL containers. Unable to find some
standard or popular implementation, I have written something myself.
It would be great if it can be reviewed and any mistakes pointed out
* This class attempts to provide synchronised STL like iterators.
* It assumes following inputs and behaviours:
* 1. All operations on the container will be done under some mutex.
* 2. Mutex class will provide Lock datatype type whose constructor
will acquire
* mutex and destructor will release mutex.
* For more clarity see the usage of lock in the Iterator class.
* 3. If the object pointed by the iterator at present has been removed
* container, it is assumed that some boolean predicate will be
provided as
* input which will take object as input and return a boolean
* which indicats that object has been removed (false) or not
* 4. A dereference functor will be provided which will return object
given iterator
* of type container.
* 5. Default Dereference and IsValid are given below.
template<class T>
class IsValid
bool operator() (T t)
return (t->isValid ());
template<class Container, class T>
class MapValue
typedef typename Container::iterator Iterator;
typedef typename Container::value_type ValueType;
T operator() (Iterator it)
return it->second;
T operator() (const ValueType& value)
return value.second;
* we have to redeclare iterator struct here because:
* 1. In host platform, this struct is always defined.
* 2. In target platform, this struct is defined only under flag
* .h files in question are :
* For host : /usr/include/g++-3/stl_iterator.h
* For target : /opt/eldk/ppc_8xx/usr/include/g++-3/stl_iterator.h
* therefore we have to define this struct if platform is target and
* is not defined.
#if !defined(EMULATOR) && !defined(__STL_USE_NAMESPACES)
template <class _Category, class _Tp, class _Distance = ptrdiff_t,
class _Pointer = _Tp*, class _Reference = _Tp&>
struct iterator {
typedef _Category iterator_category;
typedef _Tp value_type;
typedef _Distance difference_type;
typedef _Pointer pointer;
typedef _Reference reference;
template<class T, class Container, class Dereference =
MapValue<Container, T>,
class MutexClass = Mutex, class Predicate = IsValid<T> >
class iteratorT : public iterator<forward_iterator_tag, T>
typedef typename Container::iterator mIter;
typedef typename MutexClass::Lock Lock;
mIter position;
Container& mInstances;
MutexClass& mMutex;
T object;
Predicate mPred;
Dereference mDereference;
inline void setNull ()
object = T (NULL);
inline bool isEnd ()
return (position == mInstances.end ());
inline void increment ()
if ((object) && mPred (object)) {
init (++position);
} else {
init (mInstances.end ());
inline void init (const mIter& it)
position = it;
if (isEnd ()) {
setNull ();
} else {
object = mDereference (position);
typedef const T ReturnType;
typedef iteratorT<T, Container, Dereference, MutexClass,
Predicate> SelfType;
iteratorT (const mIter& it,
Container& instances,
MutexClass& m)
: mInstances (instances), mMutex (m),
mPred (IsValid<T> ()), mDereference (MapValue<Container,
T> ())
init (it);
iteratorT (const mIter& it, Container& instances, Mutex& m,
Predicate p,
Dereference dereference)
: mInstances (instances), mMutex (m),
mPred (p), mDereference (dereference)
init (it);
SelfType& operator= (const SelfType& other)
init (other.position);
bool operator== (const SelfType& other) const
return (object == other.object);
ReturnType operator*() const { return object; }
SelfType& operator++()
Lock lock (mMutex);
increment ();
return *this;
SelfType operator++(int)
iteratorT temp = *this;
Lock lock (mMutex);
increment ();
return temp;
[ See for info about ]
[ comp.lang.c++.moderated. First time posters: Do this! ]