Re: C++ more efficient than C?

Paul Brettschneider <>
Thu, 10 Apr 2008 22:13:30 +0200
Erik Wikstr??m wrote:

On 2008-04-10 21:12, Richard wrote:

peter koch <> writes:

On 10 Apr., 11:00, Kelsey Bjarnason <> wrote:

I take it the term "maintenance programmer" means nothing to you.

I have maintained some pretty horible code in my lifetime, with
functions that were often in the order of 500 lines and now and then
in the thousands. I dont remember having had serious problem figuring
out whether a function did or did not modify its parameters.

Much as I think the other poster is breaking records in c.l.c for being
a big headed know all, I must concur with him that the notation leaves a
lot to be desired. I for one must assume that your maintenance of other
peoples code is minimum since the C++ reference notations leaves a LOT
to be desired when reading the code. I have to agree with Kelsey - at
the top level you really have NO idea what is happening to the
variables. We wont even get into operator overloading and people abusing
that. it#s certainly nigh on impossible to read C++ code from a printout
unless you have the brain and recall abilities of a super computer.

Strange, I've always found Perl code hard to read but the Perl-
programmes does not seem to have any problem. On the other hand I can
read most C++ code just fine, and find C code harder to read. But then I
do not usually write either Perl or C, perhaps it is more a question of
getting used to it then whether one language is easier to read then

Yes, that's probably the reason.
For example I personally find

void SomeClass::f(data &d)
        DBConnection c();

much easier to read and understand than

int someclass_f(SomeClass *c, data *d)
        int res;
        DBConnection *c;

        if((res = lock(c->mutex)) != 0)
                return res;

        if((res = someclass_do_something(c,d)) != 0) {
                return res;

        if((res = get_db_connection(&conn)) != 0) {
                return res;

        if((res = do_some_db_stuff(conn, d)) != 0) {
                return res;

        return 0;


int someclass_f(SomeClass *c, data *d)
        int res;
        DBConnection *c;

        if((res = lock(c->mutex)) != 0)
                return res;

        if((res = someclass_do_something(c,d)) != 0)
                goto out_lock;

        if((res = get_db_connection(&conn)) != 0)
                goto out_lock;

        if((res = do_some_db_stuff(conn, d)) != 0)
                goto out_db;

        res = 0;
        return res;

But I have to admit I admire everyone who can write complex applications in
C without getting insane. I know I couldn't.

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