Re: a concurrent programming abstraction
{ Please format your article to fit in 70 columns or so, definitely
less than 80 columns. Lines broken at unwanted positions make it
very hard to read or copy-and-paste. -mod }
On Apr 22, 5:22 pm, restor <> wrote:
I would appreciate any help,
typedef std::pair<Score, Elem> BestScore;
BestScore Current;
boost::mutex Currentmutex;
BestScore getCurrent(){//called by any thread
boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(Currentmutex);
BestScore ret=Current;
//do not return Current directly, since many compiler will unlock
the mutex becore the copy is made
return ret;
void setCurrent(BestScore const& v){//only called by the thread
calculating scores
boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(Currentmutex);
Current =v;
void foo(){
Score score = ComputeScoreIn25minutes( elem );
if ( score > Current.first)//since there is only one thread
//doing the modifications (namely this one), unprotected
access is fine here
setCurrent(BestScore(score ,elem));
That is really all there is to it. If there were more than one thread
modifying Current, then it would look like
void foo2(){
Score score = ComputeScoreIn25minutes( elem );
boost::mutex::scoped_lock l(Currentmutex);
if ( score > Current.first)
//doing the modifications (namely this one), unprotected
access is fine here
Current=BestScore(score ,elem);
Doing this in a lock free style is far easier to componentize, but C++
has poor library support for it at the moment. But basically if it did
it would look like
linear_mutual_ptr<BestScore> Current2;
void foo3(){
Score score = ComputeScoreIn25minutes( elem );
linear_ptr<BestScore> current=Current2;
if ( score > old->first)
BestScore(score ,elem)))
else break;
//compare and swap returns true if the value in Current2 is still
the same as current, and then assigns
//Current2 to the new value (using special assembler instructions)
//else it is unchanged and returns false
//if only one thread modifies Current2 then compare_and_swap
always returns true
This is the same thing, except that now all threads have unblocked
access to the current best score, and can modify it at will. The
algorithm is independent of how many threads are used, can be called
recursivley, does not suffer from priority inversion, deadlock and
other bad things. mutex placement is not an issue, since it doesn't
exist. NB: lock-free does not always mean "faster" many times it is,
many times it is not.
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