Re: std::deque Thread Saftey Situtation
On Aug 29, 9:35 pm, NvrBst <> wrote:
Ahh thank you. I find examples a lot easier to follow, one question:
some_struct_type myStruct;
while(q.size() > 0) {
myStruct = q.front();
This would imply the ".size()" doesn't have to be wrapped in the
Yes, but I got that wrong. In general, it should be in the critical
To be truly safe without locking up the deque for the entire loop, the
loop would have to be reorganized so that the q.size() call was within
the critical section.
The reasion I put the locks/unlocks outside the
whileloop was solely for that reasion.
Ok. That is not exception-safe by itself, although you did mention
using try-catch blocks to counter that. The wrapper class approach
shouldn't need the try-catch blocks to be exception-safe.
I was thinking ".front()" should also be thread safe for the same (C#-
Based) reasion, since it's a 32bit applications, and .front() should
be returning a pointer to the first element. Since the thread
I'm not familiar with C#, so I don't know when C# pointers analogize
to either C++ raw pointers, or C++ references. It makes a huge
difference here.
front() and back() return C++ references. begin() and end() return
iterators (which usually have the same behavior as pointers).
Iterators are designed so that a pointer is an iterator for a C-style
calling .front() is the only thread who's removing elements, and since
this thread knows that ".size()" shows one element, then I would of
assumed ".front()" would be thread-safe as well.
It's important that this is the only thread removing elements. As
long as std::deque is implemented correctly, insertions by other
threads to the front or back will only invalidate all iterators;
references will be fine. That is: *q.begin() is not safe, q.front()
would mostly be safe. [Insertions to the middle will invalidate
references.] However, the loop does assume that no other threads are
inserting to the front.
Since .size() was a method call instead of a property, I was thinking
there might be more to it in c++... Which I'm not confused on again:
True. There's more to size() than to empty(), as well.
".size()" ".front()" would both be thread-safe operations for a thread
thats removes elements (being the only thread that removes items)?
q.empty() would come pretty close to being thread-safe (and might well
be for a good implementation on a sufficiently friendly CPU). The
other member functions are likely to be thrown off by temporarily
inconsistent internal state.
As long as all insertions are to the end, it is possible that a good
implementation would have a coincidentally thread-safe q.front().
Insertions to the middle will invalidate this.
The reference from q.front() should be thread-safe regardless, given
that this thread is the only thread removing items. But q.pop_front()
will invalidate the reference, so the assignment is needed.
So in essance I can change it to the following if I wanted to fine
tune the thread-safty locking to it's bare minimium in my example (and
remove my try statment to boot, yay)?
The try-catch statements can be outright gone, yes.
some_struct_type myStruct;
while(q.size() > 0) {
myStruct = q.front();
ProcessData(myStruct); }
A fortunate implementation would let us get away with:
some_struct_type myStruct;
while(!q.empty()) {
myStruct = q.front();
ProcessData(myStruct); }
The loop that would be maximally portable would be like:
some_struct_type myStruct;
bool in_loop = false; /* redundant */
in_loop = false;
WrapMutex my_lock(m_Q[TCPIP].qLock);
if (!q.empty())
myStruct = q.front();
in_loop = true;
if (in_loop) ProcessData(myStruct);