Re: RFC: C++0x memory model and parallel shift
On Sep 6, 8:28 pm, Mathias Gaunard <> wrote:
On 6 sep, 18:33, Johan Torp <> wrote:
An implementation
of hazard pointers
Aren't those patented, and thus, unusable?
It's just sad how so many things in lock-free programming seem to be
patented. What's the point of research if it cannot be used in the
real world before decades?
I have made a lock-free memory reclaimator that works and is not
patented. Nor do I really care to patent it--there is no way I am
going to reclaim the patent fee's for something like this.
It is composed of four pieces:
1. Allocator
2. intrusive reference counter + version field
3. isolated_ptr that obtains pointer suitable for dereferencing (like
a shared_ptr)
4. mutual_ptr that is lock-free, but not dereferenceable (like a
weak_ptr), that also support CAS
You use it like so:
struct A:
enable_mutual_ptr<A>//allocator and intrusive ref counter
int a;
int b;
mutual_ptr<A> global;//multiple threads can access atomically
void threadfunc(void*){
isolated_ptr<A> read;
isolated_ptr<A> update;
update.reset(new A(*read));//copy
update->a=read->a+1011;//modify, etc
update.reset(new A);
//more stuff
The allocator serves a few purposes:
1. That only A's are allocated, since fields may be accessed after
return to the allocator (a standard allocator does not allow this)
2. I used DCAS internally, however special allocator would allow for
pointer compression if DCAS is undesirable
3. it is also lock-free
The basics of the guts are this:
When an A is constructed, a version is stored inside the object next
to the reference count. a 0 value for version is special.
The mutual_ptr stores both the pointer and the version
The release method checks both the reference count and the version. If
the versions match AND the refcount is 0, then the version is also set
to 0. (i.e. if refcount is 1 and version is X, set (version,refcount)-
(0,0) atomically. Then delete.
//part of "enable_mutual_ptr"
friend void mutual_ptr_release(T const* p){
//storage_type is pair of refcount and version(tag)
storage_type oldval(p->m_refs.get_data(),p->m_refs.get_tag());//tag
and count
unsigned new_tag=oldval.get_tag();
unsigned cnt=oldval.get_data();
storage_type newval(cnt-1,new_tag);
if(cnt==1) delete const_cast<T*>(p);
Now, the tricky part comes in when making an isolated_ptr from a
mutual_ptr -- it is possible that mutual_ptr contains a stale pointer.
So instead of the traditional refcount increment, we do this
//part of "enable_mutual_ptr"
freind unsigned mutual_ptr_add_ref(T const* p, unsigned version){
//storage_type is pair of refcount and version
unsigned ret=0;
storage_type oldval(p->m_refs.get_version(),p->m_refs.get_tag());//
tag and count
if(oldval.get_tag()!=tag)return 0;
storage_type newval(ret,tag);
return ret;
When the pointer is isolated, the traditional "increment the reference
count" can be done.
Now when making the copy, we must try a repeatable read (some will
argue that a repeatable read is not strictly lock-free, since is it
possible that no thread makes progress. However, it woould have the
obstruction free property--if I compressed the pointer, it would be
lock free)
template<class Y>
isolated_ptr(mutual_ptr<Y> const & mutual_rhs)
//m_p is member which is pair of pointer and version
m_p=mutual_rhs.m_p;//pointer and version
if(!m_p.CAS(mutual_rhs.m_p,mutual_rhs.m_p))//not sliced
T* lcl=m_p.get_data();
unsigned cnt = mutual_ptr_add_ref(lcl,m_p.get_tag());
if(cnt >0)//not a zombie
//eventually mutual_rhs will either have a live value or a 0
These are basically the highlights. I use this inside some market data
servers (those things that takes all those stock market ticks and does
stuff with them --typically 100K msg per second with <1ms latency)
So there you have it. A lockfree pointer that has no patents (and not
even a copyright). I suppose a newsgroup is evidence enough of prior-
art is someone did try to patent it.
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