Re: Why do I need to overload =

John Doe <>
Tue, 07 Oct 2008 17:32:04 +0200
John Doe wrote:

John Doe wrote:

Barry wrote:

On Oct 7, 9:13 pm, John Doe <> wrote:


I am trying to transform a class with some time consuming operation by
adding a thread. To be able to pass data to thread I have declared a
class ThreadParam as shown below :

class CProvisioning
        struct ThreadParam
                ThreadParam(CProvisioning* a_pThis, const CString&
CString& a_strXmlOut):
                        strConfig( a_strConfig ),
                        strOut( a_strXmlOut ) {}

                CProvisioning* pThis;
                const CString& strConfig;
                CString& strOut;


        static DWORD ProvisioningThr(LPVOID pvarg);
        DWORD ProvisioningThr(const CString& strConfig, CString&

        BOOL ProcessConfigXML(const CString& strConfig, CString&


        ThreadParam m_thrParam;
        HANDLE m_hProvThread;


m_thrParam(this, CString(_T("")), CString(_T(""))),


The ProcessConfig method receives two strings, one holding the config
file and the other to put the result:

BOOL CProvisioning::ProcessConfigXML(const CString& strConfig, CString&
        DWORD dwRet = 0;

         // Start a thread
        m_thrParam = ThreadParam(this, strConfig, strXmlOut);
        m_hProvThread = CreateThread(
                0, NULL);


DWORD CProvisioning::ProvisioningThr(LPVOID pvarg)
        ThreadParam* pThrParam = static_cast<ThreadParam*>(pvarg);
        if (pThrParam) {
                CProvisioning* pThis = pThrParam->pThis;

        return -1;


DWORD CProvisioning::ProvisioningThr(const CString& strConfig, CString&
    // Some lengthy operations ...

    return 0;


The problem I get is with m_thrParam = ThreadParam(this, strConfig,
strXmlOut); because I get :

error C2582: 'operator =' function is unavailable in

1) First I don't understand why I need to overload =
2) How can I fix it ?

Beside reply by Victor else thread,
You can also have pointer as member instead of reference.

Best Regards

I have replaced reference by pointers but it still doesn 't work :
class CProvisioning
struct ThreadParam
        ThreadParam(CProvisioning* a_pThis, const CString*
a_strConfig, CString* a_strXmlOut):
            pStrConfig( a_strConfig ),
            pStrOut( a_strXmlOut ) {}

        CProvisioning* pThis;
        const CString* pStrConfig;
        CString* pStrOut;

BOOL CProvisioning::ProcessConfigXML(const CString& strConfig,
CString& strXmlOut)
    DWORD dwRet = 0;

    m_thrParam = ThreadParam(this, &strConfig, &strXmlOut);


but in

DWORD CProvisioning::ProvisioningThr(LPVOID pvarg)
    ThreadParam* pThrParam = static_cast<ThreadParam*>(pvarg);
    if (pThrParam) {
        COmaProvisioning* pThis = pThrParam->pThis;
        if (pThis)
            return pThis->ProvisioningThr(

    return -1;

Address of pStrConfig and pStrOut are different from the one stored in
Don't understand why ?

REALLY don't understand because m_thrParam address in ProcessConfigXML
and address received in DWORD CProvisioning::ProvisioningThr(LPVOID
pvarg) are the same but pointer contents are different

&m_thrParam 0x2e1dfc54 {pThis=0x2e1dfc54 pStrConfig=0x2e1d62c4
pStrOut=0x2e1d6290} CProvisioning::ThreadParam*

pThrParam 0x2e1dfc54 {pThis=0x2e1dfc54 pStrConfig=0x2e1d62c4
pStrOut=0x2e1d6290} CProvisioning::ThreadParam*

The problem is when debugging in ProcessConfigXML pStrConfig and
pStrOut holds valid data while in ProvisioningThr data is nonsense.

I have finally replaced CString* in ThreadParam with LPCTSTR

struct ThreadParam
        ThreadParam(CProvisioning* a_pThis, LPCTSTR a_strConfig, LPTSTR
            pStrConfig( a_strConfig ),
            pStrOut( a_strXmlOut ) {}

        CProvisioning* pThis;
        LPCTSTR pStrConfig;
        LPTSTR pStrOut;

BOOL CProvisioning::ProcessConfigXML(const CString& strConfig, CString&
    DWORD dwRet = 0;

    m_thrParam = ThreadParam(this, (LPCTSTR)strConfig,
    m_hProvThread = CreateThread(
        0, NULL);
DWORD CProvisioning::ProvisioningThr(LPVOID pvarg)
      ThreadParam* pThrParam = static_cast<ThreadParam*>(pvarg);
      if (pThrParam) {
          COmaProvisioning* pThis = pThrParam->pThis;
          if (pThis)
              return pThis->ProvisioningThr(

      return -1;

but obviously now my reference string passed in ProcessConfigXML is not
modified since I pass a temporary reference

Finally I am going to use old plain C interface LPCTSTR and LPSTR
because like this it works ...
I don 't understand why I try complicated things in C++

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