Re: working draft C++, program model

"wolf.lammen" <>
Thu, 30 Oct 2008 16:48:10 CST
Hello Ganesh,

3) you spotted a case where the ambiguity described in the note could
occur in a single thread, so it can't constitute a data race, although
the behaviour is undefined anyway.

BTW, this renders the note, as it is, simply logically false.

If the note in 1.10/12 was worded this way:

  "Note: If there is ambiguity about which side effect to a non-atomic
object is visible then the behavior is undefined."

would that be clearer to you?

Better, yes, but good enough?

I asked myself, what problem did the authors of the draft address in their note
in 1.10/12. Essentially I read it as follows:

"Trust our concept of 'visible side effect', because
      case data race:
        admittedly ambiguous;
        so concept cannot apply, but program is undefined anyway; break;
        fine here, you can always determine a unique visible side effect;

But the enumeration of cases was not complete, they missed at least one:
unsequenced side effects. That was part of the content of my original post.
Now you want to apply a simple hot fix, which creates the following situation:
"Trust our concept of 'visible side effect', because
      case unsequenced:
      case data race:
        admittedly ambiguous, but program is undefined anyway; break;
        fine here, you can always determine a unique visible side effect;

But what makes you think, you have covered all relevant cases now?? As an example,
let me introduce another difficult one, indeterminately sequenced side effects:

The following code snippet is based on one from a mail I received privately in
the course of this thread:

int i = 0;
int f(){
   return ++i; // side effect A
int g(){
   return i*=2; // side effect B
int h(int, int){
   return i; // value computation C
int main(){
   return h(f(),g()); // function call D, returns 1 or 2?

f and g are invoked indeterminately sequenced, so A and B are indeterminately
sequenced side effects on i as well (the evaluation order of arguments in D is
If we can agree, perhaps in the light of the note in 1.9/16, that it constitutes
an ambiguity here, not knowing, whether A or B is the visible side effect on C,
you may see that this might again affect the argumentation of the draft's authors.
"Trust our concept of 'visible side effect', because
      case indeterminately sequenced:
        defined behavior, yet possibly ambiguous;
        concept does not always apply; break;
      case unsequenced:
      case data race:
        admittedly ambiguous, but program is undefined anyway; break;
        fine here, you can always determine a unique visible side effect;

Note that your revision of 1.10/12 doesn't hold here any more.
And even if you can fix this one, you'll have to make sure, there is no other
exceptional case left uncaught!

Given that it's a *non-normative* note, I don't think such a change
would have any impact to the overall wording.

I need of more clarification, before I can agree to that.

Wolf Lammen

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