Re: why boost:shared_ptr so slower?

"Chris M. Thomasson" <no@spam.invalid>
Sat, 22 Aug 2009 14:53:43 -0700
"Pete Becker" <> wrote in message

Juha Nieminen wrote:

  Increments and decrements are in no way guaranteed to be atomic, and
in some architectures they may well not be. Even if they were, there's
still a huge mutual exclusion problem here:

if (! --m_ptr->m_count) {
       delete m_ptr;

  Guess what happens if another thread executes this same code in
between the decrement and the comparison to null in this thread, and the
counter happened to be 2 to begin with.

If the decrement is atomic (not an atomic CPU instruction, but atomic in
the sense of not tearing and producing a result that's visible to all
threads that use the variable) then this works just fine. Of course, all
the other manipulations of this variable must also be similarly atomic.

You would also need to ensure that the read-modify-write sequence was a full
atomic operation. No compiler I have ever seen would ensure that the
following RMW was uninterruptible in the presence of multiple threads:

int i = 3;


Think if thread A read a value of 3, thread B read a value of 3 and thread C
read a value of 3. Then thread A wrote a value of 2, thread B wrote a value
of 2 and finally thread C wrote a value of 2. The end result would be 2 when
it should have been 0.

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