Re: Choose between class implementations at compiletime

"Chris M. Thomasson" <no@spam.invalid>
Fri, 11 Sep 2009 16:24:08 -0700
"Christoph Mathys" <> wrote in message


Well, nothing too spectacular, but I'd still be interested in how one
solves this problem in a clean way: I need to a implement a class
which uses different APIs and provides a uniform interface (APIs are
fixed at compiletime). I can't use an ABC directly because the class
is only used as value type. But I'd still like to have an interface
common to all classes, defined at a single place.


Perhaps you could try something like:

<pseudo-code typed in newsreader>
// your_lib_windows.hpp
#include <windows.h>

namespace your_lib_windows
    class mutex
        CRITICAL_SECTION m_mutex;

        void lock() throw() {...}

        void unlock() throw() {...}

namespace your_lib_os = your_lib_windows;

// your_lib_posix.hpp
#include <pthread.h>

namespace your_lib_posix
    class mutex
        pthread_mutex_t m_mutex;

        void lock() throw() {...}

        void unlock() throw() {...}

namespace your_lib_os = your_lib_posix;

// your_lib.hpp
#if defined (WINDOWS_PLATFORM)
# include "your_lib_windows.hpp"
#elif defined (POSIX_PLATFORM)
# include "your_lib_posix.hpp"
# error Platform Not Supported!

namespace your_lib
    namespace os = your_lib_os;

// main.cpp
#include "your_lib.hpp"

int main()
        your_lib::os::mutex mtx;



    return 0;



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