Re: Loop generates never-ending sockets and threads, need help debugging

Kurt <>
Fri, 5 Feb 2010 12:39:34 -0800 (PST)
On Feb 5, 2:15 pm, Branimir Maksimovic <> wrote:

Kurt wrote:

Hi all,

I have a client/server project written by a hired contractor, but it's =

got a fairly big bug when it comes to dealing with thread and sockets. It c=
reates threads but never closes the handle to them, thus causing the server=
 to accumulate hundreds of thousands of open handles in a day or so. The cl=
ient and server both share similar code, but I'll just post the server-side=


   while (blStarted) {
           SOCKET sa = accept(socCommand, 0, 0); =

             // block for connection request

           if (sa ==INVALID_SOCKET) {
           void **params = (void **) malloc(sizeof(void*)=


           SOCKET *s = new SOCKET;
           *s = sa;
           params[0] = (void*)this;
           params[1] = (void*)s;
           DWORD dwGenericThread;
           //unsigned int iGenericThread;
           HANDLE hWorkerThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, t=

ransferCommandWorkerThread, params, 0, &dwGenericThread);

           //HANDLE hWorkerThread = (HANDLE)_beginthreade=

x(NULL, 0, transferCommandWorkerThread, params, 0, &iGenericThread);

           //WaitForSingleObject(hWorkerThread, INFINITE);

Hm, what happens if there are more than 1 pending connection requests?
This obviously doesn't work in case of Wait.... since than, no other
connection will be accepted till current client is processed...


I believe that may be the case as when I have one client transferring
data to the server, another client gets an error. I replaced the
clients with _beginthread() and am waiting for this current transfer
to finish, though I guess this would be a good opportunity to test out
the resume functionality. While on the subject of threads and sockets,
do you have any books to recommend?



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