Re: Operator overloading in memberclass.
On Monday, August 22, 2011 6:12:43 AM UTC-5, Nick Keighley wrote:
leave some context in
On Aug 22, 4:17 am, Marz <> wrote:
There's nothing that looks like that error written in the code.
what error? Yes i read the previous two posts and I'm still not clear
what you meant.
It's simply the compilers effort
What is?
The /compiler's/ effort?! Not your effort?
It's the compiler's output string.
to represent an array of Frame class pointers within the Animation clas=
wouldn't that be?
class Animation
Frame* arrayFramePtrs[9];
I'm dynamically allocating memory at run time.
void Animation::SetNumFrames(int x)
FrameList = (Frame *) malloc(x * sizeof(Frame));
I've been trying to use strictly classes instead of C style structs.=
The suggestion you made for the operator function is exactly what the c=
ompiler suggests. But, it still won't recognize the operator.
try a simpler case. Without all the casts and arbitary offsts
And, I have no idea where 44u comes in. I never defined anythin=
g as 44u.
Try reposting again. I know posting software can do Strange Things.
But stuffing a 44u in there sounds way off the scale!
#include <SDL/SDL.h>
#include <SDL/SDL_image.h>
//Definitions for various states//////////////////////////////////
#define STANDING 1
#define WALKING 2
#define AIRBORN 3
#define HITHI 4
#define HITLOW 5
#define TRIPPED 6
#define FALLING 7
#define GROUNDED 8
#define DEAD 9
class ContactBox
int GetStrenth();
void SetStrength(int x);
SDL_Rect GetArea();
void SetArea(SDL_Rect x);
int Strength;//how much damage can it withstand.
SDL_Rect Area;//Area on the character. EG. head.
class AttackBox //For when the character attacks
void SetVelocity(int x, int y, int z);
SDL_Rect GetArea();
void SetArea(SDL_Rect x);
int XVelocity;//The direction of the attack
int YVelocity;//The direction of the attack
int ZVelocity;
SDL_Rect Area;//Area on the character. EG. Fist.
class Frame
void SetImage(char * filename, SDL_Rect area);//area of the image t=
o use for the frame.
void SetDuration(int Duration);
int GetDuration();
void SetVelocity();
void SetNextFrame(Frame * frame);
Frame* GetNextFrame();
void SetPreviousFrame(Frame * frame);
Frame* GetPreviousFrame();
void DrawFrame(SDL_Surface * screen);
Frame &operator=( const Frame& );
int FrameDuration;
int XVelocity, YVelocity, ZVelocity;//The directional velocity of t=
he frame. To be added to the characters velocity.
ContactBox * ContactBoxList;
AttackBox * AttackBoxList;
SDL_Surface* Image;//Set to null if character is not to be visible.
SDL_Rect ImageArea;//to be passed to the drawing routine.
Frame * PreviousFrame;
Frame * NextFrame;
class Animation
void UpdateAnimation(SDL_Surface* screen);
void DrawAnimation(SDL_Surface* screen);
void SetNumFrames(int x);
void SetFrame(int index, Frame * frame);
void SetNextAnimation(Animation * animation);
Animation * GetNextAnimation();
int NumFrames;
int CurrentFrame;
int ControlLock;//Should the user have control
Frame *FrameList;//List of frames for the animation
Animation * NextAnimation;//null if not linked.
class Character
Character(char *filename);
int GetHealth();
void SetAnimation();
int Health;//current character health
int HealthMax;//max character health (can you say "Level Up!"
int Level;
int Experience;
int Strenght;
int Agility;
int Intelligence;
int State;
int XLocation, YLocation, ZLocation;// where the character is locat=
ed on the game map/stage
int XVelocity, YVelocity, Zvelocity;//what direction the character =
is moving
int XIntent, YIntent, ZIntent;//What direction the character is try=
ing to go.
int CurrentAnimation;
int Visible; //should the character be visible
Animation * AnimationList;
//CPP FILE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "character.h"
int ContactBox::GetStrenth()
return Strength;
void ContactBox::SetStrength(int x)
Strength = x;
SDL_Rect ContactBox::GetArea()
return Area;
void ContactBox::SetArea(SDL_Rect x)
Area = x;
void AttackBox::SetVelocity(int x, int y, int z)
XVelocity = x;
YVelocity = y;
ZVelocity = z;
SDL_Rect AttackBox::GetArea()
return Area;
void AttackBox::SetArea(SDL_Rect x)
Area = x;
void Frame::SetImage(char * filename, SDL_Rect area)//area of the image to =
use for the frame.
Image = IMG_Load(filename);
ImageArea = area;
void Frame::SetDuration(int Duration)
int Frame::GetDuration()
return FrameDuration;
void Frame::SetNextFrame(Frame * frame)
NextFrame = frame;
Frame* Frame::GetNextFrame()
return NextFrame;
void Frame::SetPreviousFrame(Frame * frame)
PreviousFrame = frame;
Frame* Frame::GetPreviousFrame()
return PreviousFrame;
void Frame::DrawFrame(SDL_Surface * screen)
SDL_BlitSurface(Image, 0, screen, &ImageArea);
//operator overloading
Frame &Frame::operator=( const Frame& )
return *this;
void Animation::UpdateAnimation(SDL_Surface* screen)
void Animation::DrawAnimation(SDL_Surface* screen)
void Animation::SetNumFrames(int x)
FrameList = (Frame *) malloc(x * sizeof(Frame));
void Animation::SetFrame(int index, Frame * frame)
void Animation::SetNextAnimation(Animation * animation)
NextAnimation = animation;
Animation * Animation::GetNextAnimation()
return NextAnimation;
Character::Character(char *filename)
FILE *DefinitionFile;
fopen(filename, "r");
int Character::GetHealth()
return Health;