Re: distributing a COM library/server for use by other folks for C++
"Jason S" <> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
If I have my compiled COM library/server (.dll for the purposes of this
discussion; could also be an .exe), what other file(s) are the best way
to distribute this for use by other people in their C++ clients? (Many
of us here are using MSVC 6.0, not sure if the answer is different for
more recent MSVC versions)
As far as I can tell, I can take just the .dll and the _i.c file
produced by MIDL, when I build the server. Then I can #import the .dll
and #include the _i.c file (for CLSIDs, somehow I can't seem to use
just the .dll file) & everything seems to work dandy.
You need your dll or exe, all the dll's used by your library/server and, for
an exe server, the type library (TLB). There's no need to ship the i.c file
as well. Users of your library can generate the IDs with #import or simply
use __uuidof(...). The IDL contains nothing that is not in the type library
and which can be viewd with apps like OleView. But if your library
implements interfaces that are not automation compatible, you should create
and ship the proxy/stub dll.
Or I can #import the .tlb file instead of the .dll;
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