Re: Force linker to check all the implementation

Alan Johnson <>
Thu, 20 Jul 2006 00:13:10 -0700
toton wrote:

In C++ , when the class is declared in the header & not implemented in
the cpp, the linker is not giving a error untill the method gets
called. How to ensure that all non pure-virtual method declared is
implemented, even when the method/member function not getting called.
Any linker checking can be performed for this purpose?

As far as I know, the language doesn't give you any mechanism for that
purpose. You might could try something like forming pointers to all
your functions (or just calling them all). Beyond that it is going to
be an implementation specific issue.

How can a template class can be splitted in header & source? And to
ensure every method is having an implementation at the compile time?
Also, can a template class be made a shared object (dll) & header
combination, so that it can be linked with a different program, without
recompiling the template class source code (or shipping the template
class source code) ?

This is in the FAQ:

I am using boost for some computation. As it is a huge library, with
most of the classes are template, It causes a large compile time for
the program. can it be build as shared library (static / dynamic) and
linked in my program? ...
I am using gcc 4.0.2 version at present...

Much of Boost can (and is) compiled to libraries. The templates,
however, cannot, because that doesn't make any sense. As much as you
might like them to be, a class template and a class are not the same
thing. Think of templates as code generators. You give them some
parameters, and they generate some code for you. Before those
parameters are known, there is no code to compile.

Alan Johnson

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