Re: Referencing external DLLs & Interfaces in ATL Project
SteveB <> wrote:
Something along the lines of:
STDMETHOD(PrepareReport)(udtCRUserSession* pUdtUserSession,
udtCRSearchRequest* pUdtSearchRequest, udtCRAuditSearch*
pUdtCRAuditSearch, IBlockGenerator** ppIBlockGenerator);
the udts are fine but when i try to reference ICollation I get the
following error:
c:\5.0\Development\App Server
Code\CallScoreV2\CallScoreV2\CallScoreV2\CallScoreV2.idl(20): error
MIDL2025 : syntax error : expecting a type specification near
I have tried referencing the Dll that contains the definition of the
interface for IBlockGenerator
and after much trawling of the net have tried writing a new IDL file
that imports the DLLs i need. This didn't work.
The general structure of an IDL file should look like this. Well,
actually, there are three typical structures: one for custom
(non-automation) interfaces where you need proxy/stub code but not the
type library; one for automation interfaces where you don't care about
proxy/stub and only want the type library; and the most general
structure that allows one to build both proxy/stub and TLB and
accomodates both automation and custom interfaces in the same IDL.
// --- IDL for custom interfaces: no library block
import "oaidl.idl";
import "ocidl.idl";
import "ThirtParty.idl";
[object, uuid(...)]
interface IMyInterface : IUnknown {
HRESULT MyMethod([in] IThirdParty* p);
// --- IDL for automation interfaces: interface defined in library block
library MyLib {
[object, dual, uuid(...)]
interface IMyInterface : IDispatch {
HRESULT MyMethod([in] IThirdParty* p);
coclass MyObj {
[default] interface IMyInterface;
// --- Most general IDL structure: interfaces defined outside library
// and referenced inside
import "oaidl.idl";
import "ocidl.idl";
import "ThirtParty.idl";
[object, dual, uuid(...)]
interface IMyInterface : IDispatch {
HRESULT MyMethod([in] IThirdParty* p);
library MyLib {
coclass MyObj {
[default] interface IMyInterface;
Note that for the third, most general and most commonly used structure,
if you need to refer to some outside interface you need both IDL and TLB
describing it.
With best wishes,
Igor Tandetnik
With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not
necessarily a good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are going to
land, and it could be dangerous sitting under them as they fly
overhead. -- RFC 1925