Re: VC6 + Dinkumware fixes OK for basic STL usage?

David Wilkinson <>
Thu, 14 Dec 2006 17:47:55 -0500
P.J. Plauger wrote:

"David Wilkinson" <> wrote in message


I have to say that I am still confused:

1. From what you say, there IS a C++ static library in VC6 (what is its
name?), but that it is not affected by the patches. This is why I have
gotten away with just applying the patches in my static-linked programs.


OTOH, the dynamic linking DLL version would be changed by the patches
(because it contains std::string content, I believe), so it is a problem
(and one that cannot be solved because MS has never released how to
rebuild the DLL).


2. Are you saying that no libraries are required for static linking with
the V-express edition? Or that they are not "required" because you have
the option of dynamic linking? This is a show-stopper for me. It's like
Henry Ford's "You can get the car in any color you like, as long as it is
black". If you provide DLL's, why would you not provide also the
corresponding static libraries?

No, what I tried to say, and not very well, is that we provide only a
dynamic library in our inexpensive V-express package. Like I said, the
idea was to give an inexpensive packaging of our C++ library for V8,
which also works with the free VExpress downloadable from Microsoft.

For $80 I would certainly buy this if I could do either static or dynamic
linking in each of VC6, VC7.1 and VC8. Otherwise, probably not.

I think the ability to use the V-express library with VC6 could be a big
selling point, because there are many applications (three of mine for
example) that are still maintained in VC6. But for me, it is only useful
if you can use static linking.

Yeah well, we'll keep that in mind. Right now you need the $200 package
to get all those options (and rather more). Thanks for the feedback.


Thanks a lot for the info. This has cleared up a lot of things for me.

David Wilkinson

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