Re: Need help with InternetOpenUrl

"Igor Tandetnik" <>
Sun, 3 Jun 2007 22:36:38 -0400
"Daniel Kaplan" <> wrote in message

So my app uses InternetOpenUrl function a lot, and it all works well.

But for a specific part, now I have to manually go to a non-standard
webpage (port 88) on my server that is on a different port, and IE
uses a username and password. From there I save the contents of my
browser and my app runs on that.

I would love to be able to have my app open that page with username
and password, but that might be beyond me.

Instead of InternetOpenUrl, use InternetConnect / HttpOpenRequest /
HttpSendRequest. InternetConnect takes port, username and password as
parameters, among other things.

As well, am sure me
sending the username and password via my code probably is unsafe.

How do you think IE sends them more securely - magic?

So one of my other thoughts was, since WinInet.DLL uses IE

It's the other way round - IE ultimately uses WinInet.

maybe I
can be logged on to that page with IE, and then run my app and have
it grab that secure webpage.

It might work if you use a WebBrowser control hosted by your
application, rather than a standalone IE instance. Most login schemes
rely on session cookies. WinInet maintains such cookies on a per-process
basis, so you must log in within the same process.
With best wishes,
    Igor Tandetnik

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