Re: .dll in VC++ 6

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Thu, 9 Aug 2007 10:11:34 -0400
<f9f7am$6lv$> wrote:


Hey yourself.

We have a spectrometer. There is sofware we use to access one channel
at a time but it does not send commands to acquire and display two
channels of data. There is a library of C modules that can be called
to control all of the functions of the spectrometer. We now want to
change the program so that we can have a 2-channel application. The
source code we have is for VC++ 6. This code is part of a parent
program which has been written already. We have the instructions to
modify the parent program in order to load the sub-program (copying a
few .dll files into Windows directory). From this I should presumably
change the source code and compile it as a .dll file. I just want to
make sure I'm on the right track and if so how can I compile a .dll
file in VC++ 6 when I'm finished modifying the code.

Thank you for your replies in advance.

What replies are you expecting? This newsgroup deals with C++ as
a language, not with VC++, BC++, GC++, or any other implementation of
the language. Those have their own newsgroups.

Start by reading the FAQ and trying to understand whether you're in
the right newsgroup. You will need to figure out what you want from
the newsgroup, as well. Do you have any questions to ask? Do you
expect others to just nod at your statements and go on with their
lives? Do you expect us to share our experiences with writing C++
(or whatever) programs that connect to spectrometers?

Please remove capital 'A's when replying by e-mail
I do not respond to top-posted replies, please don't ask

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