"Gilai" <gilai@intern.net> wrote in message
I have a minimal experience with COM programming so I hope I I'm not
writing nonsense. The functionality I'm talking about is mostly in
communication to the Internet and to other PC's . The GUI is very
minimal and may not be present at all. Usually this kind of thing would
be implemented in a standard application that the user would download
and run, but since I want it to be easy and automatic, I prefer to use
as wrapped inside an Activex control.
Does that make sense?
Yes, but I'd like to correct your terms. You want to build a COM object.
Simple COM objects have no GUI, whereas "ActiveX controls" refer to a
particular time of COM object that occupies some screen real-estate, such
as a widget inside a browser. ActiveX controls require a fairly
sophisticated client host. COM objects can be written as either DLL's
which are loaded into the process space of the client, or as separate
executables that run either locally or remotely (on a different box).
As I suggested in my first post, it sounds like you want to develop a COM
executable, rather than a regular executable with a COM wrapper. I don't
see the advantage of the latter.