Re: I want to pass a complex data type (class) to my COM component. Neat way of doing this?
Actually, you don't need to do any of that with BSTRs. See
SysAllocStringByteLen(). It's a common misconception that
BSTRs only store UTF-16 strings. It's what they are designed
for, but they also have a huge by-design loophole and can
legitimately store binary data.
Alexander Nickolov
Microsoft MVP [VC], MCSD
"Matthew Ireland" <> wrote in message
My favorite "cheat" is to create a buffer declared as a BSTR and memcpy
the struct in.
o This breaks one of the COM contracts in that both ends need to have
intimate binary knowledge to access the data
o You have to make sure you pad the BSTR to an even byte if your
structure is an odd byte size
o You should also pad the buffer with an additional 2 bytes and set these
to 0 to keep with the basic BSTR usage
"Simon L" <> wrote in message
Because I want my app. to support multiple customers who have slightly
different requirements, I want to put a chunk of code in a dll, eg a
COM object, pass my class containing the data to it and have the dll
process it.
I've been adding ATL COM components to my app. for a while, and there
are a limited number of datatypes supported by the wizard (and if you
try to define your own the compiler doesn't like the undefined class
and the idl file doesn't support C++ syntax does it? I tried defining
a class it it baulked at the idea anyway).
So, pass things as void* and cast?