Re: Can't debug DLL

Victor Bazarov <>
Fri, 07 Nov 2008 18:30:13 -0500
Dave Cullen wrote:

It seems I have fallen victim to some strange behavior in VS2005 where it
refuses to allow breakpoints to be hit during debug in my dll project. The
breakpoint ball says, "breakpoint will not currently be hit. no symbols have
been loaded for this document". The modules window says symbols for the dll
aren't loaded and when I try to load them I get an error that says the
module and pdb file don't match.

The strangest part is that the debug worked the first time I tried it. I set
a breakpoint in the source, invoked Run with F5, chose the .exe that calls
the dll, and the breakpoint was hit. I then did an edit and build on the dll
and the next run showed that the breakpoint would no longer be hit.

Searching the web reveals thousands of hits on the subject, and the forums
list various "solutions" that I've tried to no avail. Does anybody actually
know why this happens, and if there's a real fix for it? Not being able to
set breakpoints is a real drag.

The usual problem is the existence of more than one DLL you built. Make
sure that what you build is either explicitly copied along with the PDB
file to the directory where you start your EXE, and do it every time you
rebuild, or, which is a bit easier IMO, tell the application/system
where to find your DLL by putting the path with the DLL you build in the
system 'PATH' variable.

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