Re: We do not use C++ exceptions

David Abrahams <>
Fri, 23 Jan 2009 13:10:39 CST
on Wed Jan 21 2009, Le Chaud Lapin <> wrote:

On Jan 14, 12:42 pm, David Abrahams <> wrote:

Don't worry, the validity of the hot bunny's statement is completely
dependent on implementation details of the particular compiler in

You're right, of course, but I always qualify that my assertion:

"Right now, in the year [year of assertion], on Microsoft Windows OS's
and very likely others, making destructor virtual solves the inter-
module new/delete, DLL/EXE, heap-mismatch problem."

Each time I discuss this statement with fellow engineers, I muse
serendipitously about its possible reasons until I arrived at the
conclusion that, though it is conceivable that the implementation
might be otherwise, it is most-likely not, as the way it is makes much
more sense to compiler-writer, all things considered.

I believe you can create the problem on Linux when you get into things
like this:

Dave Abrahams
BoostPro Computing

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