Re: CDatabase object access violation on DLL Exit

Scot T Brennecke <>
Wed, 10 Jun 2009 23:34:11 -0500
<euzHf3k6JHA.4632@TK2MSFTNGP02.phx.gbl> wrote:


 I have built a regular MFC DLL using shared MFC DLL, and put in its
APP class a CDatabase object pointer which I create inside
InitInstance and delete on ExitInstance.

 I am opening the Database using OpenEx, querying the database table,
and closing the Recordset I used and the database itself.

 Everything looks fine till now.

 But when I am closing the test application (the client that uses the
DLL), the DLL crashes because of an "Access Violation" that occures
inside the "Free()" method of the CDatabase class, which is being
called from within the CDatabase destructor.

 Any help will be appreciated.


Since this is a question about proper use of an MFC class, the question
really belongs in the MFC newsgroup (see additional newsgroup to which I
cross-posted). Please drop the language NG from future replies.

When a "Free" method gets an AV inside of a destructor (in general), it
is almost always because the thing it is trying to free has already been
freed before, and the second attempt tries to free garbage. Perhaps you
should put a breakpoint on the Free method and see if it is getting
called elsewhere prior the the destructor doing it.

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