Re: compile cpp with dsp project files on windows server 2008 R2

Scot T Brennecke <>
Thu, 06 Aug 2009 00:37:16 -0500
powah wrote:

On Aug 5, 6:11 pm, David Wilkinson <> wrote:

powah wrote:

I use VC 6 and Platform SDK 2003 R2.
The 64 bit release executable can run.
The 64 bit debug executable cannot run.
Dependency Walker show that the reason is that it depend on
which are both x86 compiled and conflict with x64 target.

I guess I am confused, because AFAIK the VC6 compiler cannot produce x64 code.
And later compilers will not accept <iostream.h>, so even if you have used the
VC6 IDE with a later x64 compiler, the code would not compile.

But perhaps I am missing something...

David Wilkinson
Visual C++ MVP

How to determine whether my executable is 32 or 64 bit on windows
server 2008 R2?
I have some old 32 bit cpp and dsp project files which compile ok with
VC6 and Platform SDK 2003 on windows server 2003.
How to modify them with minimal effort so that I can create an 64-bit
executable on windows server 2008 R2?
The same dsp project files has a "64 bit release" project setting.
How to check that they are really 64-bit project setting?

If you want to create 64-bit (x64) code, abandon VC6. You can't make 64-bit programs with VC6 (or DSP files). I'd abandon it
anyway. The only reason to stick with that old dinosaur is financial -- if you can't afford to upgrade. VS2008 SP1 is the latest
released compiler, and it includes the ability to produce x64 binaries. Sometime early next year, VS2010 will be released.

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