Re: Exporting debugging symbols in a static .lib

"Alex Blekhman" <>
Sun, 1 Nov 2009 16:59:02 +0200
"James Kanze" wrote:

What is the usual procedure for exporting debugging
information when delivering a static library (a .lib

It is no different from .EXE or .DLL file. You supply the
resulting .PDB file along with the project output.

The only solution I've found to date is to copy all of the
.pdb files for the object files into the directory in
which I deliver the .lib, but this seems to defeat part of
the purpose of using a library. Is there any way of
putting them into the .lib itself, or of building a single
.pdb for the library?

What you describe is strange. Usually you have one debug
info (program database) file name per project. It is defined
in project properties: C/C++ -> Output Files -> Program
Database File Name. Alternatively, you can use /Fd command
line switch with desired name.

If you don't specify /Fd option (either via project settings
or manually), then the .PDB file name defaults to VCx0.pdb.,
where x is the major version of Visual C++ in use. You
should recheck your build configuration.


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