simulations contra the terroristic nimbus of the second law
On Mar 2, 11:29 pm, (galathaea) wrote:
language and scientific recognition
are intimately linked
fundamental laws
are ascribed a number of names over the languages
identifying different people credited
for first or best by each culture
often there is an ethnocentrism
one particular case i admire
is found in the case of johann josef loschmidt
in 1861 he published " chemische studien "
proposing chemical structures for many substances
including benzene
for which kekule's 1865 dream is often credited
loschmidt was first to propose many things
loschmidt was first to derive
the number of molecules in one cubic centimeter
of ideal gas
and using avogadro's principle
he was first to calculate the quantitative value
that is now commonly called " avogadro's number "
but in german often " loschmidt'sche zahl "
he also proposed a way to violate the second law
gravity is the violator
maxwell, boltzmann, and loschmidt would argue
about temperature stratification in columns of gas
boltzmann and maxwell argued the column
must be the same temperature
loschmidt argued the column mst be warmer near the bottom
and cooler towards the top
they all agreed that if it was stratified
it would allow a perpetuum mobile of the second kind
loschmidt believed he had found a foreversource of energy
to free humanity of " theterroristicnimbusof the second law "
roederich graeff has performed that experiment
and carefully noted a repeatable stratification
molecular simulations have predicted stratification
andreas trupp has derived it from very basic physics
and there is even suggestion
that the troposphere of venus also evidences this stratification
so loschmidt is one of those
" respectable " physicists stutter nervously about
definitely a very bright man with many acheivements
( but none that should be commonly accepted as his in english )
a very punk lifestyle
son of bohemian farmers
challenging the orthodoxy of his friends
speaking the unspeakables
there is no shame in pursuing possibility
still being very naive about this whole crackpot / crank thing
i accidentally let the engineer inside think too hard about this
since my degree is in physics simulations
and my career is in programming
and i happened to have a simulation generator i have been building
i generated a simulation for a gas in a column with gravity
the simulation generator is my attempt at building
a commercially viable product at home
and although it still needs much work
and doesn't generate the prettiest code yet
i couldn't help seeing what it would give me here
i have run some simulations
playing around with the specifications
and all my tests have validated loschmidt so far
of course this seemed obvious to me
because gravity accelerates particles moving down the column
and slows them moving up
but there is nothing better than seeing it validated in a simulation
currently particle collisions are very rare
( due to size of particles and iteration delta )
and i haven't fully tested that handling yet
so the values are not mixing the z components with the x,y
collisions with the wall only affect x,y
collisions with the floor or ceiling only affect z
but i will play with that some more
i have hand entered some comments
and added output of the simulation
( the generator creates blanket output for the specification
but litle descriptive output currently )
i cannot stress that i am well aware
of many of the refactorings needed in this code
as the generator placed code in places i normally wouldn't
also since it was working with a larger model
it has some stuff that can be completely refactored out
despite that
here is my generated loschmidt simulation
( in c++, from a generator written in OCaml )
in one large file format (the only working generation right now)
this may get mercilessly chopped by google (sorry)
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <exception>
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost/random.hpp>
// math
double pi(3.14159265358);
// particle descriptors
unsigned numberOfParticles(1000);
double particleMass(1.67372e-24); // (kg)
double particleRadius(2.4e-11); // (m)
// environment
double columnRadius(20.); // (m)
double columnHeight(100.); // (m)
// energetics
double temperature(273.15); // (K) = 0(C)
double boltzmann_k(1.3806505e-23); // (J/K)
double sigma(std::sqrt(boltzmann_k * temperature /
particleMass)); // ~ 47.468
// gravity
double g(-9.807); // (m/s)
double distance(double x, double y)
return std::sqrt(x * x + y * y);
double distance(double x, double y, double z)
return std::sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
struct Point3D
Point3D() :
Point3D(double x, double y, double z) :
double x_;
double y_;
double z_;
struct Velocity3D : Point3D
Velocity3D(double x, double y, double z) :
Point3D(x, y, z)
enum CollisionType
class Existent
Existent(Point3D const& initialPosition,
Velocity3D const& initialVelocity,
double mass,
std::string const& name) :
double x() const
return position_.x_;
void x(double x)
position_.x_ = x;
double y() const
return position_.y_;
void y(double y)
position_.y_ = y;
double z() const
return position_.z_;
void z(double z)
position_.z_ = z;
double vx() const
return velocity_.x_;
void vx(double vx)
velocity_.x_ = vx;
double vy() const
return velocity_.y_;
void vy(double vy)
velocity_.y_ = vy;
double vz() const
return velocity_.z_;
void vz(double vz)
velocity_.z_ = vz;
double m() const
return mass_;
std::string name() const
return name_;
virtual bool isCollided(boost::shared_ptr<Existent> otherEntity)
const = 0;
virtual CollisionType collisionType() const = 0;
Point3D position_;
Velocity3D velocity_;
double mass_;
std::string name_;
class Particle : public Existent
Point3D const& initialPosition,
Velocity3D const& initialVelocity,
double radius,
double mass,
std::string const& name) :
Existent(initialPosition, initialVelocity, mass, name),
double radius() const
return radius_;
virtual bool isCollided(boost::shared_ptr<Existent> otherEntity)
// a particle can only be a first entity if the second is also a
if (distance(x() - otherEntity->x(), y() - otherEntity->y(), z() -
otherEntity->z()) <
(radius() + boost::static_pointer_cast<Particle>(otherEntity)-
if (name() == "0")
std::cout << "particle on particle action" << std::endl;
return true;
return false;
virtual CollisionType collisionType() const
return particle;
double radius_;
class EnclosingColumn : public Existent
EnclosingColumn(double radius, double height) :
Existent(Point3D(), Velocity3D(), 0., "column"),
virtual bool isCollided(boost::shared_ptr<Existent> otherEntity)
// otherEntity must always be a particle!
if (distance(otherEntity->x(), otherEntity->y()) > (radius_ -
if (otherEntity->name() == "0")
std::cout << "collision with wall of column" << std::endl;
return true;
else if (otherEntity->z() > (height_ -
if (otherEntity->name() == "0")
std::cout << "collision with ceiling" << std::endl;
return true;
else if (otherEntity->z() <
if (otherEntity->name() == "0")
std::cout << "collision with floor" << std::endl;
return true;
return false;
virtual CollisionType collisionType() const
return column;
double radius_;
double height_;
class PhysicalWorld
typedef std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<Existent> > Existents;
Existents::iterator begin()
return existents_.begin();
Existents::iterator end()
return existents_.end();
void pushBack(boost::shared_ptr<Existent> existent)
Existents existents_;
struct StrataProfile
StrataProfile() :
void add(double tx, double ty, double tz)
temperatureAccumulatorX_ += tx;
temperatureAccumulatorY_ += ty;
temperatureAccumulatorZ_ += tz;
double temperatureAccumulatorX_;
double temperatureAccumulatorY_;
double temperatureAccumulatorZ_;
unsigned count_;
class PhysicsEngine
PhysicsEngine(PhysicalWorld & world, double final, double delta) :
double time() const
{ return time_; }
double delta() const
{ return delta_; }
void cycle()
time_ += delta_;
void run()
std::cout << "entering the run loop" << std::endl;
// full run statistics
StrataProfile top;
StrataProfile bottom;
// main event loop
while (time_ < final_)
std::cout << "^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^ loop time " << time_ << "
^~^~^~^~^~^~^~^" << std::endl;
// check for collisions first as initial adjustment of velocity
for (PhysicalWorld::Existents::iterator
initialIntersector != world_.end();
if ((initialIntersector + 1) != world_.end())
//std::cout << "-" << std::flush;
for (PhysicalWorld::Existents::iterator
secondIntersector(initialIntersector + 1);
secondIntersector != world_.end();
//std::cout << "+" << std::flush;
if (collision(initialIntersector, secondIntersector))
//std::cout << "collision" << std::endl;
// then cycle through each and adjust their final positions and
force changes to velocity
for (PhysicalWorld::Existents::iterator
existent != world_.end();
// and cycle the time
// now we can snapshot the new state
// follow a particle
PhysicalWorld::Existents::iterator existent(world_.begin() + 1);
std::cout << "particle 1's iterated state:"
<< "\n x: " << (*existent)->x()
<< "\n y: " << (*existent)->y()
<< "\n z: " << (*existent)->z()
<< "\n vx: " << (*existent)->vx()
<< "\n vy: " << (*existent)->vy()
<< "\n vz: " << (*existent)->vz() << std::endl;
// and build temperature profile
unsigned strata(5);
std::vector<StrataProfile> temperatures(strata);
while (existent != world_.end())
unsigned particularStrata(((*existent)->z() * 5.0) /
if (particularStrata >= strata)
particularStrata = strata - 1;
if (particularStrata < 0)
particularStrata = 0;
double tx((*existent)->m() * (*existent)->vx() * (*existent)-
vx() / boltzmann_k);
double ty((*existent)->m() * (*existent)->vy() * (*existent)-
vy() / boltzmann_k);
double tz((*existent)->m() * (*existent)->vz() * (*existent)-
vz() / boltzmann_k);
temperatures[particularStrata].add(tx, ty, tz);
for (unsigned stratum(0); stratum < strata; ++stratum)
std::cout << "in stratum " << stratum << " there were " <<
temperatures[stratum].count_ << " particles" << std::endl;
if (temperatures[stratum].count_)
double tx(temperatures[stratum].temperatureAccumulatorX_ /
double ty(temperatures[stratum].temperatureAccumulatorY_ /
double tz(temperatures[stratum].temperatureAccumulatorZ_ /
std::cout << " tx: " << tx
<< " ty: " << ty
<< " tz: " << tz
<< " Tavg: " << ((tx + ty + tz) / 3.) << std::endl;
if (0 == stratum)
bottom.add(tx, ty, tz);
else if ((strata - 1) == stratum)
top.add(tx, ty, tz);
else std::cout << "no temperature information possible" <<
// dump full run statistics
double txTop(top.temperatureAccumulatorX_ / top.count_);
double tyTop(top.temperatureAccumulatorY_ / top.count_);
double tzTop(top.temperatureAccumulatorZ_ / top.count_);
double txBottom(bottom.temperatureAccumulatorX_ / bottom.count_);
double tyBottom(bottom.temperatureAccumulatorY_ / bottom.count_);
double tzBottom(bottom.temperatureAccumulatorZ_ / bottom.count_);
std::cout << "over the simulation we have"
<< "\ntop strata of the column - tx: " << txTop << " ty: " <<
tyTop << " tz: " << tzTop << " Tavg: " << ((txTop + tyTop + tzTop) /
<< "\nbottom strata of the column - tx: " << txBottom << " ty: "
<< tyBottom << " tz: " << tzBottom << " Tavg: " << ((txBottom +
tyBottom + tzBottom) / 3.)
<< std::endl;
bool collision(PhysicalWorld::Existents::iterator object1,
PhysicalWorld::Existents::iterator object2)
return (*object1)->isCollided(*object2);
virtual void adjustFromCollision(PhysicalWorld::Existents::iterator
object1, PhysicalWorld::Existents::iterator object2) = 0;
virtual void adjustFreeMoving(PhysicalWorld::Existents::iterator
object) = 0;
PhysicalWorld & world_;
double time_;
double final_;
double const delta_;
class LinearGravityEngine : public PhysicsEngine
LinearGravityEngine(PhysicalWorld & world, double final, double
delta) :
PhysicsEngine(world, final, delta)
virtual void adjustFromCollision(PhysicalWorld::Existents::iterator
object1, PhysicalWorld::Existents::iterator object2)
if ((*object1)->collisionType() == particle)
// calculate relative distances and speed
double deltaX((*object1)->x() - (*object2)->x());
double deltaY((*object1)->y() - (*object2)->y());
double deltaZ((*object1)->z() - (*object2)->z());
double deltaVX((*object1)->vx() - (*object2)->vx());
double deltaVY((*object1)->vy() - (*object2)->vy());
double deltaVZ((*object1)->vz() - (*object2)->vz());
double relativeDistance(std::sqrt(deltaX * deltaX + deltaY *
deltaY + deltaZ * deltaZ));
double relativeVelocity(std::sqrt(deltaVX * deltaVX + deltaVY *
deltaVY + deltaVZ * deltaVZ));
// find relative angle
double theta(std::acos(deltaZ / relativeDistance));
double phi((deltaX == 0 && deltaY == 0) ? 0. :
std::atan2(deltaY, deltaX));
// ch-ch-ch-changes
double mu((*object2)->m() / (*object1)->m());
double diffZ(2. * (deltaVZ + std::tan(theta) *
(std::cos(phi) * deltaVX + std::sin(phi) *
deltaVY)) /
(1 + std::tan(theta) * std::tan(theta)) * (1 +
(*object2)->vz((*object2)->vz() + diffZ);
(*object2)->vx((*object2)->vx() + std::tan(theta) *
std::cos(phi) * diffZ);
(*object2)->vy((*object2)->vy() + std::tan(theta) *
std::sin(phi) * diffZ);
(*object1)->vz((*object1)->vz() - mu * diffZ);
(*object1)->vx((*object1)->vx() - std::tan(theta) *
std::cos(phi) * mu * diffZ);
(*object1)->vy((*object1)->vy() - std::tan(theta) *
std::sin(phi) * mu * diffZ);
else if ((*object1)->collisionType() == column)
if ((*object2)->z() < 0.)
// reflect off bottom
else if ((*object2)->z() > columnHeight)
// reflect off top
if (distance((*object2)->x(), (*object2)->y()))
// reflect off sides
// calculate the collision theta
double theta(((*object2)->x() == 0 && (*object2)->y() == 0) ?
0. : std::atan2((*object2)->y(), (*object2)->x()));
double velocityTheta(((*object2)->vx() == 0 && (*object2)-
vy() == 0) ? 0. : std::atan2((*object2)->vy(), (*object2)->vx()));
double velocity(distance((*object2)->vx(), (*object2)->vy()));
(*object2)->vx(velocity * std::cos(pi + 2 * theta -
(*object2)->vy(velocity * std::sin(pi + 2 * theta -
virtual void adjustFreeMoving(PhysicalWorld::Existents::iterator
// simple linear free with vertical gravity
(*object)->x((*object)->x() + (*object)->vx() * delta());
(*object)->y((*object)->y() + (*object)->vy() * delta());
(*object)->z((*object)->z() + (*object)->vz() * delta() + (1./2.)
* g * delta() * delta());
(*object)->vz((*object)->vz() + g * delta());
int main()
std::cout << "Functional Simulations Engine 0.39 - starting" <<
std::cout << "generated from source" << std::endl;
// build up the world
PhysicalWorld world;
std::cout << "created the world" << std::endl;
// add the column (radius 1
boost::shared_ptr<Existent> column(new EnclosingColumn(columnRadius,
std::cout << "added the column" << std::endl;
// rng for simulations
boost::mt19937 rng;
rng.seed(static_cast<unsigned int>(std::time(0)));
// create particles
for (unsigned particleCounter(0); particleCounter <
numberOfParticles; ++particleCounter)
if (! particleCounter)
std::cout << "creating particle 1" << std::endl;
// find a random position in the column
// height in [0, columnHeight]
boost::uniform_real<> possibleHeight(0., columnHeight);
boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937 &, boost::uniform_real<> >
heightGenerator(rng, possibleHeight);
double particleHeight(heightGenerator());
double particleX(0.);
double particleY(0.);
// find an x, y position in the column
// just loop until valid in a circle (to maintain distribution)
// build generator
boost::uniform_real<> possibleXY(0., columnRadius);
boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937 &, boost::uniform_real<> >
tranverseGenerator(rng, possibleXY);
// pull an x, y
particleX = tranverseGenerator();
particleY = tranverseGenerator();
while (distance(particleX, particleY) >= columnRadius);
// now get a velocity in the maxwellian-boltzmann distribution for
the temperature
// which is just a normal distribution
// with mean = 0
// variance sigma^2 = k T / m
boost::normal_distribution<> possibleVelocity(0., sigma);
boost::variate_generator<boost::mt19937 &,
boost::normal_distribution<> > velocityGenerator(rng,
double velocityX(velocityGenerator());
double velocityY(velocityGenerator());
double velocityZ(velocityGenerator());
if (! particleCounter)
std::cout << "initial state position: "
<< "\n x: " << particleX
<< " y: " << particleY
<< " z: " << particleHeight
<< "\n vx: " << velocityX
<< " vy: " << velocityY
<< " vz: " << velocityZ << std::endl;
std::stringstream converter;
converter << particleCounter;
// now build the particle
boost::shared_ptr<Existent> particle(new Particle(
Point3D(particleX, particleY, particleHeight),
Velocity3D(velocityX, velocityY, velocityZ),
std::cout << "all particles created!" << std::endl;
// now that we have the world built
// build the physics engine
// attach the world
// and configure to run x deltas
LinearGravityEngine engine(world, 5., 0.1);;
catch (std::exception & blowUp)
std::cout << "exception at lowest level: " << blowUp.what() <<
catch (...)
std::cout << "blowUps happen" << std::endl;
i apologise if my hand editing inserted any tabs or other errata
you will need to have a download of boost
on a UN*X/Linux/MacOSX machine simply type:
g++ -I<boost location> main.cpp
where <boost location> is the path to the outermost boost folder
from the distribution
enjoy the crankdom!
galathaea: prankster, fablist, magician, liar