Re: ostream_iterator for map

"James K. Lowden" <>
Sat, 14 Apr 2012 23:35:24 -0700 (PDT)
On Sat, 14 Apr 2012 11:24:34 -0700 (PDT)
Daniel Kr?gler <> wrote:

the need for finding a matching name for operator<< is within
a member function of an instantiation of std::ostream_iterator.


At the point where this member function is defined, your global
operator<< overload cannot be found

Thanks Daniel. I think I get it. My operator<< is in the global
namespace. When invoked in main(), its definition appears prior to
invocation. The compiler sees

    A @ B

and starts by checking the global namespace for operator@ because that
is the context in which the operator is invoked.

The trick, then, is to make sure definition preceeds invocation, right?

If I define my overloaded operator<< way up at the top of main.C,
before #include <algorithm>, would it then be found? More
conventionally does,

    #include <iostream>
    #include <map>
    #include "smooth_operator.h"
    #include <iterator>
    #include <algorithm>

meet the compiler's needs in a defined way?

I'm not aware of any prohibition against defining user code before
including library headers. It's a headache to manage in a large
project, but it seems otherwise OK to me.

One last option. I think I can use still use std::copy if I don't
use std::ostream_iterator.

Sure, sure, you can use std::copy as well in *this* specific example,
because I designed my pair_io to be implicitly convertible from the
source type.

Yes, I see. I tried something else that worked. I defined my own
iterator, see below. As I wrote it, thoughts occurred to me:

1. Maybe ostream doesn't define operator<< for std::pair because
pair, like all composite types and unlike scalar types, has no single
universal format.
2. Perhaps my iterator should take a functor to handle the actual
3. Perhaps I should use std::transform to convert the pair to a string,
and use ostream_iterator<string>.
4. Oh. I've done that before.

Regarding efficiency, I concur with your point about a wrapper class. I
would argue that converting to string is also very efficient,
especially for a std::pair whose members are small. If the pair is:

    pair<size_t, CAD_DRAWING>

yours is clearly the better approach!

What do you think about #2, though?

I would like to see ostream_iterator<std::pair<K,V>> defined in the
library, and I would like to be about to override the format on
a per-use basis, choosing among multiple formats for a given K,V type
pair. I see advantages to being able to influence the formating of
scalar types, too, but the lack of built-in support for streaming out
maps is an impediment to their use.

I think you will say the mechanism you presented meets my needs too,
and I agree. OTOH restricting ostream_iterator to use only operator<<
seems unnecessary, and more flexible iterators would make the standard
algorithms more, er, flexible.

Below is my iterator. The Oracles on StackOverflow say it's best not
to inherit from iterator. I was unable to determine why not.

  template< typename T,
    typename charT=char,
    typename traits=char_traits<charT> >
class map_ostream_iterator
   ostream &os;
   const charT *delim;
   typedef output_iterator_tag iterator_category;
   typedef T value_type;
   typedef ptrdiff_t difference_type;
   typedef T* pointer;
   typedef T& reference;

   map_ostream_iterator(std::ostream& os, charT *delim = "")
    : os(os), delim(delim) {}
   map_ostream_iterator<T,charT>& operator ++ () { return *this; }
   map_ostream_iterator<T,charT> operator * () { return *this; }
   void operator= (const T &val) { os << val << delim; }



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