Re: Passing multi-dimensional arrays to functions

Seungbeom Kim <>
Wed, 27 Mar 2013 06:00:56 CST
On 2013-03-26 19:40, ?? Tiib wrote:

On Tuesday, 26 March 2013 07:50:05 UTC+2, Seungbeom Kim wrote:

You'll have M+1 allocations, worse locality,
and weird and much more verbose declarations:

     std::vector<std::vector<double>> matrix(M, std::vector<double>(N));
     std::vector<std::vector<double>>::size_type sz = matrix.size();
     std::vector<std::vector<double>>::const_iterator it = matrix.end();

That factor is not too important ... more idiomatic would be to
assume that typedefs are always done ...:

     typedef std::vector<double> Column;
     typedef std::vector<Column> Matrix;
     Matrix::size_type sz = matrix.size();

I often do that, too. And that turns a one-line declaration of an
array ('double matrix[M][N];') into three lines. Which is not too bad,
but while I like typedefs that yield meaningful abstractions, this is
rather just to replace repeating long names with repeating short
names, and/or typing too much on a single line with typing reasonable
amounts on more lines, which I feel to be like a necessary evil.

....also 'auto' was modified exactly because of that:

     auto it = matrix.end();

This is great, as long as you can use C++11 (which is, sadly, not
always true).

in exchange for the nice access syntax 'm[i][j]'.

That is nicest but rarely optimal access syntax.

Is it suboptimal because of the underlying representation of a vector
of vectors, or is there anything fundamental in the access syntax that
prevents the access through it from being optimal?

On the other hand, I have written and used a wrapper that hides a
M*N- element vector inside and provides a nice access syntax
m[i][j] or m(i, j), but not being standardized, it doesn't tend to
last long.

IMHO the choice of container should be always implementation
detail. In OOP sense two-dimensional container is just a 1 to M*N
relation. It is not good to expose carriers of relations for any
by-passer to adjust.

I'm not sure if I implied anything opposite.

And why not std::valarray? We even have std::[g]slice, but I have
rarely seen anyone actually use or recommend them.

std::valarray we usually do not need because we usually store more
"mundane" things (like accounts, queries, requests, devices)
... than numbers.

For std::valarray, we're talking about numbers, of course. :) (Or more
accurately, "value types", as implied by the name "valarray".)

If we need numbers then we again often can save some time with math
library (like Boost.Basic Linear Algebra Library) ... in comparison
with std::valarray.

For more serious work, yes. But we don't want to have to learn and use
big third-party libraries for simpler problems, and std::valarray is
simple and already in the standard.

And my question was more towards comparison with std::vector: even for
numeric matrices, I have seen many people recommend std::vector but
not as many recommend std::valarray. Why is that?

If it is image that we are processing then modern processors are so
powerful and memory speed is so limiting that it is often best to
keep images in a compressed format most of the time.

Externally, yes. But not while doing some actual processing on the
image, which is exactly when we need a good 2D or 3D array.

There's also Boost.MultiArray, but when asked "What's the best way
to have a multidimensional array in C++?", I hate to have to answer
"Oh, you have to install Boost first, and ..."

Why? The sooner novices realize that standard library is only little
and homey introduction to ocean of libraries we use (where boost is
also among the friendliest) ... the better. Boost has lot of
interesting (and often close to optimal) containers in it.

I agree that Boost has many interesting things, but I'm not so sure
about your "the sooner, the better" part. Novices already have too
many things to learn from the beginning, don't they?

What's the canonical way to have a multidimensional array in C++?
What a pity I haven't found the answer yet. So I just allow myself
to use the C arrays 'T a[M][N];', at least for simple cases.

There can not be canonical ways since the purpose of one can't be

Let's suppose we're in a situation where a built-in array is good
enough as long as the dimensions are constant or we have the VLA from

If the space of usage is dim then it is fine to start from
std::vector, std::array or boost::multi_array and refactor it later
into more suitable container.

We'd have to pick one and start from it, of course. What I don't like
is that it may not be very obvious from the beginning which one is the
best, and switching costs.

I also have lot of usages of C arrays for immutable containers like

     T const A[][N] = {{ /*...*/ }, /*...*/ };

Note, that key here is immutability and that compiler calculates the
count of columns thanks to aggregate initialization (no such luxury
for non-aggregates). If things become mutable then C array is
dangerously too low level.

I don't see why immutability is the key for safety here.

Seungbeom Kim

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