Re: C++ domains

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Erik_Wikstr=F6m?= <>
Mon, 19 Jun 2006 17:01:20 GMT
On 2006-06-19 11:45, arnuld wrote:

David wrote:

Hello Arnuld,

There are plenty of jobs for people that can program in C++. There
is a wide variety of uses for the language. As you've mentioned,
C++ is one of the tools you've chosen to learn to use. Since your
initial goal is to get a job, I'd suggest learning how best to
solve peoples problems and using your tools to create solutions
they need. C++ can be used almost alone in the embedded world.
Applications generally use other components, like databases and
GUI tools, to aid construction of a useful product. While you
may be able to write all of that, it isn't usually necessary.


Your first jobs may not seem like much, but experience
matters. Open source projects are a good place to
contribute. So are paying jobs that aren't quite where
you'd like to be for the long term. Each new position
can help shape your career into what you want it to be
and solve the problems you want to.

Good luck,


hello David,

thanks for your reply. it contains lots of practical learning, i mean
you have shed some light on how people build softwares. I read your
reply, took a print-out, read it again, thought over it for sometime
and concluded the following things or steps for me to take:

1.) 1st, learn C++ well. i mean the syntax and semantics.

2.) 2nd, eat some design ideas of C++ like

     a.) why Stroustrup put generic programming the way it is in C++,
     b.) learn to use the data-structures provides by STL rather than
                      creating your own at first place.

3.) learn paradigms of problem-solving like OOD, Generic programmming,
Functional programmming etc. problem solving paradigms are independent
of any language.

4.) Improve/Bug-Fix existing softwares. i am quite passionate about
softwares using GPL, BSD, etc. so i will do them. that is *experience*
part & matters more than the previous 3 steps.

(i will take step 3 together with step-1 or 2)

I would say that you should take step 4 along with 1, 2 and 3. The best
way to learn is to do. If you want to learn how to program in C++ you'll
have to program in C++. In the beginning you can do the exercise in the
books you are reading. Later on you can write small programs solving
some problem you have (while it might not be as good as what you can
download, you'll learn a lot). When you feel that you might know what
you are doing find some larger project (like an open-source) and start

As for domain-knowledge it's harder, either you have it or you don't,
some jobs requires less (since the task is kind of generic or because
there is some domain-expert) others requires lots. Some employers will
hire your without it and let you learn along the way others will require
you to have it beforehand.

The big question is what kind of domain-knowledge you want to posses,
you might want to specialize in one area or know a little about a lot,
both kinds of people have their place.

Erik WikstrFm

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