Re: When will there by official support for ODBC in C++?

Sun, 23 Dec 2007 14:55:22 CST
On 19 Dec, 06:48, Lance Diduck <> wrote:

When will ODBC support be an official part of C++?

ODBC is already a standard. ISO 9075 part 3. It sounds like you just
want the C++ committee to say "ISO 9075 SQL-CLI is the official way to
program C++ and relational dbs." That is basically what it would
amount to.

Yes, well said, that's just what I meant :-) I wonder what the chances
are of that happening? Until it does I think projects like freeodbc
will continue to languish and compete with libraries such as OTL.

Each time I need to
do database work in C++ I have to check out the latest state of play
with regard to many incomplete implementations and no matter which one
I pick I then have to argue the case for the project using open


In java this is just not a problem. It is just there and
works. Sure you have to load a driver that may be proprietary but so

Three sentences ago you wanted open source, but if it is Java, then a
proprietary solution is OK? I dont follow.

There is a good reason for me saying this. If something is a widely
accepted std then when engaged in programming in a commercial
environment I don't mind using a commercial solution. But where stds
are insufficiently developed I would much rather have an open source
solution. There is less of chance of vendor lock-in. When one chooses
a proprietary implementation of a widely accepted std the risks of
vendor lock-in are less because if there is an issue with the vendor
you can just pick another vendor but wont have to change your code
much (ideally you wont have to change it at all).

I suppose if C++ had several deep pocket corporate backers, pouring
money into C++ Open Source development, then the libraries would be

Yes, I suppose they would be. This seems to be a big difference
between java and C++. The former has big business backing, the latter
is mainly pursued by enthusiasts, volunteers etc.

The interface is std, there is a std way to load the driver and
it all just works. In C++ there are battles to fight before the coding
can even begin.

Java has its own battles.
Don't mistake the C++ standards committee for a corporate product
development team, complete with it own R&D and marketing budget.

Well, I must admit I have made this mistake.

is the story with Java and C#. In fact, the Java "Standard" is largely
what Sun says it is, likewise Microsoft with "standard C#". C++
standards are proposed largely by volunteers (mostly from the academic
community ,R&D depts of hardware manufactures, and compiler writers)
Some are done by Open Source library writers (like Apache and Boost)
and a small few by users (like me).

In any case, I dont think the C++ standards Committee putting it stamp
of approval on DOM Level 3 or SQL CLI or whatever will help C++ match
Java in enterprise integration. C++ has never been good at that.

Yes, so it seems. I am just waking up to this since I am just entering
the world of java having been with C++ for many years. In the places I
work alot of enterprise computing goes on. The companies find it much
more convenient to do it in java and I find myself agreeing with them.
It makes me wonder what place, if any, there is for enterprise
computing in C++. Not much it would seem. Before java, C++ was used
for enterprise systems but even then it was a tough choice because the
enterprise technologies were available as either expensive proprietary
non-std APIs, or as open source but still non-std and quite immature.
It looks to me like it is still in that state.

-Andrew Marlow

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