Re: Which programing language should I learn?
On Jan 2, 7:44 pm, Mirco Wahab <> wrote: wrote:
Like the topic says, I want to learn a language, but which should I lear=
To do what?
Programming ICBM hardware? Analyze genetic or protein
data? Administrate a bunch of unix servers? Creating
a data centered business application for win32/win64?
Which language will be mostly used in the future? C++ or C#?
No, it'll be of course JavaScript, beyond any doubt.
Today's positions (TheDice) in the U.S.:
SQL (22964)
C (15966)
Java (14785)
C++ (7136)
Javascript (5773)
Perl (4900)
Apache (2137)
PHP (2100)
Python (1208)
Assembler (251)
Fortran (121)
Smalltalk (50)
I'm not sure what those sort of statistics really mean (although
I use them myself at times). At one time, I did something
similar for Europe, comparing C++ and Java. At that time, the
number of offers was about the same, but the C++ jobs were
typically for a longer duration. (This was for contracting
=46rom other sources, I've seen that even today, more lines of
code are being written in Cobol than in any other "classical"
language. (Of course, it takes more lines of code to do a
simple job in Cobol than in any other classical language.)
If you're actually looking for a job, the real issue is offer
and demand. If there are 10000 job offers for Java, but 100000
candidates, but 5000 job offers for C++, but only 100
candidates, you're in a better market in C++. (There again, I
suspect that Cobol is the way to go: there aren't a whole lot of
offers, because companies keep the ones they've got. Because
schools aren't turning out a lot of Cobol experts today.)
Most places will require several different skills: my major
skill is C++, but I wouldn't get many job offers if I didn't
know Unix as well, and have some knowledge of SQL and a number
of other technologies.
But to know some specific language is not enough,
you'll need the knowledge to handle things in
the real world using your language. This in-
volves probably a lot of concepts/tools to
know about.
The problem is that this doesn't easily show up in a job offer,
nor in a CV.
James Kanze (GABI Software)
Conseils en informatique orient=E9e objet/
Beratung in objektorientierter Datenverarbeitung
9 place S=E9mard, 78210 St.-Cyr-l'=C9cole, France, +33 (0)1 30 23 00 34