Re: Learning C++
In article <>, Brian <> wrote:
On Jan 12, 5:10 pm, James Kanze <> wrote:
On Jan 11, 10:05 pm, Ian Collins <> wrote:
There are also a lot of high quality, long standing opens
source projects as well. The products my team develops use
several and they are a lot better quality than a large piece
of smelly proprietary software we have to use.
I don't know about lots; there are some reasonably good open
source projects, even if they're far from the majority.
I thought about challenging the "a lot" also. The only
open source project that uses C that I like is bzip2.
I use linux and gcc, but they both have caused me some
grief. Boost and Loki I think are two C++ based, open
source projects that I think sometimes do pretty well.
There are so many others that don't do as well. Recently
I've been looking at openssl. That is really disappointing.
I tried searching for a C++ alternative but haven't found
anything. There's something called crypto++ but it doesn't
seem to have an ssl implementation. I sent an email to the
author and he said he was too busy and referred me to the
mailing list. The answer on the mailing list was to
consider using openssl. I am reconsidering openssl, but
only because beggars can't be choosers or something like
Well, what I see is that people somehow underestimate the
value of something added to something.
Look at it this way. The guy(s) wrote some piece of code.
It works. It does something of value to you.
As it oftent happens, it is poorly documented and quite often
poorly structured. Not necessarily a good architecture.
That is ALL that is avaiable to you.
Something HAS been done.
So, what are your options?
Well, either you live with it as it is, or...
Add something of value to it and give it another spin.
If the value you have added is available to others, then
they can do the same thing.
The basic principle is care-ness. You need to CARE.
If you care, it is life affirmating.
It ADDS to the equasion.
The very radical idea of "free software" or "open source"
has basically to do with this.
Yes, it takes some inner strength to be able to afford to give
something to others without getting a penny in return.
It kinda contradicts the whole "modern world" ideology.
It is not such a "stoopid" idea, just as open source approach
shows. It is alive. It does produce value. And millions of people
enjoy that value and enjoy that very feeling of not being tied
up with their hands to some mega-sucking enterprise, such as
microsoft, google or poogle.
It IS a life affirmative approach.
And a
lot of closed source is pretty poor as well. (Of course, when
the projects aren't open source, it's hard to know whether
they're good, or just lucky.)
Well, some companies allow you to download their software
for a free trial. Others have free on line services that
you can evaluate at your leisure. So the "hard to know"
is maybe more like it takes a little effort to figure out
if they're good or not.
I bet it would be more beneficial to reconsider the pricing issue.
Sure, free trial gives you at least something.
You don't have to shell out an arm and a leg just to see if
you like something enough to get married to it for a while.
But at the same time, one way or the other, you need to pay for
things. You need to pay for water. You need to pay for electricity.
You need to pay for food.
In today's world, software is like water or food.
And you can not expect to get something for nothing.
I would rather see Sun charging a small fee for Java
instead of giving it for free and eventually going out of business,
being bought by some sharks of Oracle, Microsoft of Google type.
You don't have to go to extremes.
Either you charge an arm and a leg or give it for free.
Just look at how they managed the issue with television in UK.
Everybody simply pays some annual fee and is guaranteed to have
a more or less unbiased television. What is wrong with THAT kind
of approach? After all, there seems to be no rebellion of people.
The same kind of thing could be done with software,
and it would be MORE beneficial to whole life at the end.
And I bet there are quite a few ways to solve this situation
so everyone gets a benefit and at the same time realizes there
is price for everything. But, as long as it is reasonable and
afofdable to ALL, regarless of how big is their wallet, it should
be no problem to even mention.
If you are interested in playing with ideas of writing some code
and that code turns out to be interesting enough to others,
why can't you get paid for it enough for you to get some bread
on your table? Sure, if you have great ambitions, you are welcome
to enter the land of sharks of Microsoft caliber and pay an arm
and a leg for using their "revolutionary technology" of suckology.
Because you are going to get some tangible financial benefit out
of it. But that is a different story.
Interesting thing about sofware is that it is essentially a toy
in most cases.
There are very few pieces of software you use every single day
as a "professional occupation". If you do, that is another matter.
You should pay a fair share of benefit you get from using it.
But MOST of what we use are toys. Those things that give you fun
and provide challenge to your mind to move into new dimensions.
I would not mind to pay some reasonable fee for using Linux.
I don't have to get it for "free". That is just illusion.
PLENTY of people contibuted to it. Why can't we find a way
for them to get paid?
Basically, what I see is two different categories:
1) Commerical use, when you expect to get a tangible financial
benefit out of it.
2) Non commercial use. Such as self-education and fun.
Those are totally different issues and different principles
ought to apply.
To have a reasonably priced software of ANY kind you'd like to
play with will benefit the mankind as a whole and will help to
solve the most urgent issues we have on our hands.
If I can have ANY kind of software I can imagine, that would
stimulate me to play with new and different things. Who knows,
may be one of these days I will find something I am willing
to spend a significant enough time on, which will inevitably
translate into some value.
Brian Wood
(651) 251-9384
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