Re: Learning C++

From: (tanix)
Wed, 13 Jan 2010 08:16:14 GMT
In article <>, nick <> wrote:

On Jan 12, 9:46 pm, Ian Collins <> wrote:

tanix wrote:

James Kanze wrote:

I don't know about lots; there are some reasonably good open
source projects,

I wish I saw one.

Pretty much everything in the web stack: Apache, MySQL/PostgreSQL, PHP,
your open source OS of choice and MediaWiki to document it.

Ian Collins

Not to mention gecko and webkit... at least second best to the closed-
source alternatives, if not better. Drupal is good enough for

And then there's cmake, and so many great code libraries are published
under non-restrictive (LGPL-like) open-source licences (qt, boost,
zlib, png, the list goes on and on).

Plus, many of the leading software architecture tools offer both
commercial and open-source licenses, and some of the commercial tools
are built on open-source tools -- for example ArgoUML / Poseidon.

In other words, I don't see how there's any way anyone _hasn't_ seen,
used, or at least benefited unknowingly from some "reasonably good
open source projects" unless they've been living under a rock for the
last 20 years.

Well, no question, I did benefit "unknowingly" from plenty of
open source projects. The most noticeable to me in terms of doing
what I need to do every day is Kate editor. That thing is beautiful.

Right now I am getting into Lucene search engine.
Looked at it for a few minutes and was pleasantly surprised
to see the well documented sources and nice Javadoc.
You could not expect anything better even in commercial projects.
Someone is working on it right now so we'll have a chance to see
some results.

But documentation argument still stands in my mind.

My point was presented before and that is:
you should be able to read someone elses code as you read a news
article and should be able to understand what is going on within
seconds. That means well documented sources and simple and clear
code structure, uncluttered with all the unnecessary complications
that produce lil or no benefit overall.

-- Nick

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