Re: C++ vs C
JiiPee <> writes:
ye i guess if some average programmer says that kind of thing, people
would reply "you must be out of your mind, arent you?"
The majority of sane programmers / managers decides to do
projects in C:
TIOBE, 2014-07:
1 1 C 17.145% -0.48%
4 4 C++ 5.520% -3.23% (end of quotation from TIOBE)
After all, who can know what support there will be tomorrow
for a dying legacy language of the 90s like C++?
Linus is by no means alone:
?If you port your Firefox add-on to IE, you may have to
use C++. And Allen admitted that this is a bit 1998.
"The first thing people say is 'That's horrible. No one
programs in C++ anymore,'" he said.?
(Some of the URIs here might have become invalid because they
were retrieved some years ago.)
?=head2 What language is Parrot written in?
=head2 For the love of God, man, why?!?!?!?
Because it's the best we've got.?
?Here's the thing: C is everywhere. Recently Tim Bray made
basically the same point; all the major operating systems,
all the high-level language runtimes, all the databases,
and all major productivity applications are written in C.?
?According to the TIOBE index, the C programming
language is the most popular language in April 2010.?
C++ is way too complicated:
?Today's C++ programs will be tomorrow's unmaintainable
legacy code. As [GWS 94] says of C++:
"The seeds of software disasters for decades to
come have already been planted and well fertilised."?
retrieved in 2007 from:
The Unix-Haters Handbook, IDG books 1994.
?C++ is already too large and complicated for our taste?
from a Usenet post posted by Bjarne Stroustrup
?C++ is too complicated. At the moment, it's impossible
for me to write portable code that I believe would work
on lots of different systems?
Donald E. Knuth
?the largest cross platform compatible subset of C++ is C?
?C++ has always been a zombie, its only drive is the C
ghost inside it :-)?
Pascal J. Bourguignon
?I think C++ was pushed well beyond its complexity threshold?
Joshua Bloch
?C++ is an unbelievably huge language?
?it's just a garbage heap of ideas that are mutually exclusive?
Ken Thompson
?there are a lot of people programming it. But what you
do is you force people to subset it.?
Jamie Zawinski
?the bug classes C++ introduces are way scarier than the
ones it takes off the table?
?C++ is a huge regression compared to C?
Felix von Leitner
?C++ has become a niche language, but I talk to many C++
programmers who live in total denial about that fact.?
?C++ is becoming a freak language that's parading its
disfigurements in front of mildly disgusted but
curiously fascinated audience.?
?an interesting difference between "Effective Java" and
"Effective C++" is that my reaction to the latter was to
come up with a set of SOPs that mainly boil down to
"don't use C++ feature x".?
Bjorn Borud
?C++ is generally regarded as the most technically
deficient of the popular OOPLs.?
H. S. Lahman
?There are only two things wrong with C++, The initial
concept and the implementation.?
Bertrand Meyer
?C++ is a vast playground, and makes you feel smart
when you know all of it, so you're always tempted to use
all of it. But that's really, really hard to do well,
because it's such a crap language to begin with. In the
end, you just make a mess, even if you're good.?
?It was decisions like not using C++ and not using
threads that made us ship the product on time.?
Jamie Zawinski
?C++ is a horrible language. It's made more horrible by
the fact that a lot of substandard programmers use it (...)
I've come to the conclusion that any programmer that would
prefer the project to be in C++ over C is likely a
programmer that I really *would* prefer to [move on], so
that he doesn't come and [disturb] any project I'm involved
with. (...)
[T]wo years down the road you notice that some
abstraction wasn't very efficient, but now all your code
depends on all the nice object models around it, and you
cannot fix it without rewriting your app.?
?As you can see, C++ is really complex, and so a few
mistakes crept in. First of all, exceptions in
constructors do call local destructors, but only if the
exception is caught.?
?C++ is just an abomination. Everything is wrong with it
in every way. So I really tried to avoid using that as
much as I could and do everything in C at Netscape.?
Jamie Zawinski
?Though I was not the world's leading C++ expert, I was
a sophisticated and knowledgeable C++ user.
So what happened? Basically I got sick of every single
aspect of C++ being designed around higher performance
instead of my productivity. I also got sick of
impossible to diagnose linker errors and never being
able to just download a library and use it. Each new
library meant I had to build from source because C++ has
no ABI that allows compiled code to just be used. (...)
I wish the C++ people would wake up and realize that C++
is drowning in its own complexity. If I had to write a
high performance application these days I would reach
for C. Any other application I would write in either a
scripting or VM based language and then code the slow
parts in C. Why not C++? Mainly because you can't get
scripting or VM based languages to play nicely with C++
because C++ has no ABI.?
Pro-Phi-Psi; Tuesday, March 11, 2008 (gone)
See also: