Re: how to best use valarrays as constructor arguments

"Victor Bazarov" <>
Mon, 10 Jul 2006 10:52:22 -0400
Gerard Kramer wrote:

Presently I have some difficulties with the following type of code
which is understandably causing a segfault:

//---- begin code ----

#include <valarray>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class SomeClass {

 valarray <double> mx;

 SomeClass(valarray <double>& x) {mx = x;}
 void func() {cout << mx[1];} // <---- Segfault here.



int main () {
 valarray <double> x(5,10);
 SomeClass foo(x);


 return 0;

//---- end code ----

It will fail at runtime because, as I understand it, mx is a zero-size
valarray and hence mx[1] does not exist.

It *will* fail or it *does* fail?

With the exception of using assignment instead of initialisation and some
superfluousness and extraneous whitespace, your code is fine, AFAICT.

Yet (for a simple numerical code) I would like something similar to
the above to work, i.e. I'd like to pass a valarray of predefined
size to the constructor of a class to initialize a class-member
valarray, say mx, and after reference to mx's elements as mx[0],
mx[1] etc. As a C++ starter I'm confused about the best way to work
around the problem in the code above. Any advice would be welcome.

What problem? Prove to us there is a problem, post the results of your
run, not your speculations. Step through it in a debugger. Print out
the *size* of 'mx' instead of its element. Anyway, do something, don't
just stand there.

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