Re: Assert vector program terminates

=?UTF-8?B?RXJpayBXaWtzdHLDtm0=?= <>
Sat, 06 Oct 2007 16:07:05 GMT
On 2007-10-06 16:58, hyderabadblues wrote:

Following is part of my program that I am trying to code to simluate
folder information which contains mp3 files.
At the end of main funcion there is assert, I have tried to debug the
program , what I found is resize() call was successful, but when main
terminates there is an assert in the vectors destructor.

Using a debugger you would notice that the problem occurs when you try
to delete m_szArtistName in ~trId3Data().

  tVoid vCopyStirng( char *&dest , char *&src )
    dest = (char*)malloc(strlen(src));


    strcpy( dest, src );

  tVoid vCopyStirng( char *&dest , char *&src )
    dest = (char*)malloc(strlen(src));


    strcpy( dest, src );

Memory allocated with malloc must be deallocated with free, (likewise,
memory allocated with new must be deallocated with delete). In C++
programs new should be used unless you need to allocate memory
deallocated by libraries written in C (which is bad design, so you
probably should not use such libraries any way).

Erik Wikstr??m

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