Re: Debugging issue to watch variable values
George schrieb:
Hi Norbert,
I do not think this document answers my question -- it covers the
differences between release version and debug version.
It covers possible reasons why your release vesion might fail although the debug
version runs fine. Since you did not tell us what your problem really is we can
only give general advice.
My question is, for a product system since it runs release build and we can
not stops it to replace it with a debug version build (replace binary will
impact end users in product system), and we have to debug the release build.
I think it is a strong reason to debug release version build and debug
release version build will cause the issues I mentioned in this thread.
That yould be a reason, but you still did not tell us what your problem is. Why
do you need to debug on a production system? Do you try to hunt a bug that only
happens on the production server?
Step back and ask yourself why you need to do that. If you find a reason or a
particular problem, you might find a way to ask more spefic questions or find
specific solutions. A reason like "replace binary will impact end users" is not
a good reason because stepping through the binary on a production system
(release or debug version) will usually impact users even more because while
debugging the application is stopped completely. you say you can not stop the
production system to replace with a debug build, but you can stop it to debug
the release build? That does not make much sense to me.
It would be better to create e test environment where you can run the debug
version. Why can't you do this?
So stepping back and analyse the whole picture would be better than discussions
about individual limitatinos of a PDB debugging format and claiming they are bugs.
Do you have any advice about this scenario -- either we could avoid debug
release version in this scenario or we could debug release version more
effectively in this scenario (e.g. let debugger aware of variables in
register or something)? Or I missed the important points in this article? :-)
There is no general answer to this question. Live with the limited debugging
capabilities of the release mode. If you can't, find a different solution to
your problem. There might be better ways that concentrating on one single
limitation. Be creative.
You did not describe the real problem that you are trying to solve, so we can
not give you better advice.