Re: Standard C++ file size ???

James Kanze <>
Thu, 8 Jul 2010 11:01:19 -0700 (PDT)
On Jul 8, 1:59 pm, Ali Karaali <> wrote:

On 8 Temmuz, 11:32, James Kanze <> wrote:

On Jul 7, 9:53 pm, Ali Karaali <> wrote:

On 7 Temmuz, 18:02, Peter Olcott <> wrote:

On 7/6/2010 1:26 PM, James Kanze wrote:


I run your and Mr. Kanze's code and I took that's a kind of result.
den.txt: size = 14
Mr. Kanze's:
den.txt: size = 14
den.txt: read failed
I'm a little confuse, what is the difference between yours and Kanze's

None, really. Maybe some other program modified the file while
my program was reading it?

No. I tried several times wirh different files under windows in VC++
and g++, I took the same results. Yours is always giving reading
failure. Really confuse... Is there any sensible reason?

Well, I hadn't tested the code when I posted it, so there's
possibly some small error in it that is causing this. (An
off-by-one will do it, if it causes you to try to read one byte
too many.) If the error is systematic, try using a debugger to
see what is wrong.

James Kanze

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