Re: maximum cases in a switch ?

Victor Bazarov <v.bazarov@comcast.invalid>
Tue, 09 Aug 2011 15:42:17 -0400
On 8/9/2011 12:03 PM, Lynn McGuire wrote:

Is there a maximum number of cases in a switch ?
I have a class with a method that now has 525
cases in a switch and will probably double this
over the next couple of years.

You have your answer, I'm not going to repeat it. Remember that it's
not normative, though.

I have a different question. How easy do you think it is going to be to
maintain the code with more than 1000 cases in a single switch
statement? How easy is it to debug? Wouldn't it make sense, perhaps,
to categorize your values and call different functions based on, say,
ranges first and do further branching later in those functions, maybe?
OK, OK, not /a/ question, but three.

And a slightly different approach would be to implement handling of
those ranges in an external module (dynamically loaded library, or
"shared object" as they are known in another unixverse) which will
register the range (or ranges) of values which it serves with its
function[s], pointers to which you should keep while the module is
loaded... Just thought I'd suggest that, maybe you find it useful.

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