Re: Can we override [][] ?

31 May 2006 00:21:04 -0700
Noah Roberts wrote:

Tom=E1s wrote:

int main()
    ChessBoard board;

    board[3][5] = ChessBoard::Square::bishop;

As you can see, a simple member function (or even function-style
operator) would probably be better.

Yes. The concept of forcing [][] on an object because it is
implemented with an array is inherently flawed. Try implementing [][]
with a bitboard for example and then compare that implementation to
functional notation.

class Board

    uint64 white_pieces;
    uint64 black_pieces;
    uint64 white_knights;

 ? operator[](uint row);

 // easier and more appropriate:
 piece pieceAt(uint row, uint col);
 piece operator()(uint row, uint col);

There is question of how piece would be found and what it is but the
client doesn't need to worry on that. Doesn't require a bunch of extra
proxy wrappers to forcably create an unnatural syntax and doesn't clue
the client in nor cause them to depend upon the internal representation
of this Board class.

Now, in actually building a chess engine you're probably going to break
encapsulation anyway and create massive dependencies just to speed
things up a hair (if you've never done it let me tell you that a LOT of
time is spent trying to get just a little more oomph out of your
classes) but at any rate this is a perfect example of what happens when
you think, "Hey this is an array, lets make it look like one..." Well,
what happens when you decide it shouldn't be implemented with an array

You wrote:
"but at any rate this is a perfect example of what happens when
you think, "Hey this is an array, lets make it look like one..." Well,
what happens when you decide it shouldn't be implemented with an array
anymore?? "
I must say I cannot see your point. The rational of using operator
overloading is not whether the internals of the class are with array or
something else. It is intending to make it look like array. Anyone
using C++ is accustom to using [] for accessing continues memory. This
is why you have it in std::vector and std::string but you don't at
std::list. The point is to use a code that it is easier to read. If we
were using FORTRAN then we may have preferred to using operator () and
not operator [] for subscripting. Anyways since other gave poor
implementations to the operator [] doesn't mean there are no other
better ones. You can take a look in Stroustrup's "The C++ programming
language" book for one good implementation using STL internals. There
is anther one in boost, and yet more in various matrix various
libraries (such as blitz++) and there are many more (tough I bet you
will find them flowed as well). This is programming and not
engineering!. There is no perfect solution, just a rational that you
may or may not accept. If one solution not suits you then you can find
anther that may.
Anyways - The main problem is the above code starts from the fact that
he using "C" prefixing in his class name - which is good indication
that he misses something important in programming. The second is that
this is "one time" solution - if you need 2D array and you need bit map
then first you have those two unrelated concepts be separately
implemented. From there you can continue. This may lead to the fact
that in this case you don't need "operator [] []" which I think too in
not relevant in this case.

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