Re: Which is a better way to implement this algorithm?

"Ivan Vecerina" <>
Sun, 20 Apr 2008 09:43:46 +0200
"mike3" <> wrote in message
: Hi.
: (Xposted to both comp.lang.c++ and comp.programming since I've got
: questions related to both C++ language and general programming)
: I've got the following C++ code. The first routine runs in like 65% of
: the time of the second routine. Yet both do the same thing. However,
: the second one seems better in terms of the way the code is written
: since it helps encapsulate the transformation in the inner loop better
: making it easier to read, at least in my opinion. Maybe it's not,
: maybe the former is "better" that way and I should go with it, but if
: the latter is "better" in that respect should I just ditch it anyway
: and tradeoff for performance since I want this thing to be fast???
As a first-time reader of both implementations, I find the first one
much easier to understand and maintain than the second one. Adding
levels of abstractions without a clear benefit only obfuscates code.

: I'm using the simple "grade school" multiply algorithm. Note how the
: second routine more easily outlines this algorithm, while in the first
: it is a little more difficult to see. Which would you prefer, exactly?
The first one.

: Also, could I lose the typecasts in this code or do I need them?
I'll comment & review the first function below.
At some point, you do need to (at least implicitly) cast
an operand to the larger type, as this might not happen
automatically for some combinations of types, in C++.

: First version (fastest):
: ---
: void RawDigit::Mul(const RawDigit &a, const RawDigit &b)
: {
: /* Check to see if we're doing an in-place multiply */
: if(&a == this)
: {
: MulInPlace(b);
: return;
: } else if(&b == this) {
: MulInPlace(a);
: return;
: }
General class design: unless there is an established reason
not to do so, I would use operator overloading and implement
(as members of the Num class):
  static Num operator *( const Num& a, const Num& b );
          Num& operator *( const Num& a );
Maybe RawDigit::Mul is an internal private member, and the
above operations are provided? But then the special cases
(e.g. multiply in place) would best be handled in the
layers above...

: /* Get lengths. */
: std::size_t rLength(GetLength());
: std::size_t aLength(a.GetLength());
: std::size_t bLength(b.GetLength());
: /* Zeroize this. */
: Zeroize();

Is the intent truly to implement modulo math, and to allow
the result to be truncated? If not the result should be
resized automatically, and the code is simplified.

: /* Do the multiplication. */
: TwoDigit64 carry(0);
Technically, the carry should only require 1 digit,
and can be defined within the outer loop below.

: for(std::size_t i(0);i<aLength && i<rLength;i++)
: {
: carry = 0;
: for(std::size_t j(0);j<bLength && (i+j)<rLength;j++)
: {
: TwoDigit64
: tmp((static_cast<TwoDigit64>(a.digits[i])*b.digits[j]) +
: digits[i+j] + carry);
: carry = tmp >> DIGIT_BITS;
: tmp -= carry << DIGIT_BITS;
: digits[i+j] = tmp;
: }
: if(i+bLength < rLength)
: digits[i+bLength] = carry;
: }
: }

Let's say that you have the following digit-related
definitions within your class:
  typedef ... Digit;
  typedef ... TwoDigit;
  const unsigned digitBitCount = ...;
  const Digit digitBitMask = 0xF...UL;

Assuming no truncation (because of adequate pre-allocation
of result digits), the same algorithm can be written as:

 for( unsigned aPos = 0 ; aPos<aLength ; ++aPos )
    Digit carry = 0;
    TwoDigit const aDig = a.digits[aPos]; //NB: cast "hidden" here
    for( unsigned bPos = 0 ; bPos<bLength ; ++bPos )
        TwoDigit mul = aDig * b.digits[bPos]
                     + this->digits[aPos+bPos]
                     + carry;

        this->digits[aPos+bPos] = mul & digitBitMask;
        carry = ( mul >> digitBitCount );
    this->digits[aPos+bPos] = carry;

There are many correct ways to write this, and some are
probably better is some ways than this example. But I
hope that you will find it useful.
In any case, given the very acceptable complexity of this loop,
I would not bother breaking it up or adding layers of

Regards -Ivan
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